
Sulu Canyon Training, Bilecik Adaca Canyon

We are on the road for Adaca Canyon in Bilecik’s İnhisar district for the last stage, which we could not complete due to the weather opposition, which lasted for a few weeks.. Adaca Canyon is for rookies like us.. Our teachers found the Adaca Canyon.. We are in the last stage of canyon training that has been going on for months.. Those who know my bond with water were not at all surprised that I was in canyoning.

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Instagram: Nerdesinbahar

  • Click if you want to read my Ballıkayalar Canyon Training adventure.
  • Click if you want to read my Manisa Yarikkaya Dry Canyon Training adventure.
  • Click if you want to read my Ayvaini Cave Crossing Training adventure too.
  • Click if you want to read my Kanara Rocks adventure.

Bilecik Roads

While I was thinking about how to get to Mecidiyeköy on a Saturday morning, Metehan comes to pick me up and how well he is doing. I have so many things. Around 8.30, our shuttle picks us up from Mecidiyeköy.. It’s pretty nice weather outside.. We have such a beautiful journey. Erdal brought tambourines and cymbals.. We have a lot of fun with our music playing and our friends playing it.

Although some of our friends and teachers fled to the other car.. Lets remain ours. Our breakfast stop is at Köfteci Yusuf, our family’s meatball restaurant.. Fried eggs 14 lira, free tea. I’m really curious how they managed to do this.

This time, the food manager has made me, Meral Teacher.. I said I would only make pasta, but. He says, “He who gives his hand will lose his arm to me” and laughs. “Sir, we are open in the evening.. At least I’ll make kebabs or something, so that it can be spared,” I say.. So we’re going to play. I’m also making a list.. What will we eat, who gets what, how much?

None of us has ever cooked for 35 people in our lives.. My teachers helped us a lot.. Because we have no idea about the quantity. We bought our meatballs from Köfteci Yusuf. We stop in Pamukova and scatter in four directions. Everyone is feverishly trying to complete the list I made.

The dinnerware is in my head. The egg is wandering, the butter is organic, the freshest of vegetables is bought quickly.. Leaving the food to me means we’ll eat until morning. We must give credit to the fire. Our last civilization stop is İnhisar. We get our last bread and water from there.

When we see the maltese plums in the village coffee, we can’t stand it and dive in.. Of course we got permission.. As long as we don’t break the branch, no one will object.. No one touched the huge plums. It is such a beautiful city that the whole road was already full of cherry orchards.. After a while, we started to go on a road full of pomegranate flowers.

Our İnhisar Campground

We have now entered the winding dirt roads. The dance of the mountains and clouds in front of us is so beautiful. We stop at one place and enjoy the view while taking countless boomerangs and photos. Our campsite is on the road from İnhisar district to Çalkara village.

We are on the hills overlooking Harmankaya Canyon. There is such a beautiful green. We knew it would be rainy anyway, but we didn’t expect it to rain as soon as we reached the campsite.. When we say here or there, everyone scatters to one side and we set up our tents.. There is a great humidity in the air. We became sticky.

Our instructors had determined a difficult trekking route before, but I had no intention of participating.. I don’t want to push my knees too hard because. I hid all my strength in the canyon. I learned earlier that there was a creek close to the campsite.. My only goal was to get there and step into the creek myself.. It was Gul and I who originally planned to do this. There were only two of us, but when we came to the campsite and got exhausted, most people decided to come with us.

  • Adaca Canyon camping area facility also suitable for caravan camps that do not seek. Note that there is no place to shop around.

We Are Like Bees Running to Water

I saw a waterfall while I was looking for a place for a tent.. No one can hold me anymore. I’m on target. Everyone said, “Can you walk that far?” she asks. Friends, I’m crossing the canyon just like you.

We put on our bikini, thinking that we would go into the water, we pulled on shorts and a t-shirt, but wear something with long legs and long sleeves for such walks.. The ground was muddy from the light rain.. While walking up a steep slope from the hills to the waterfall, my foot slips when I want the nettles not to touch my leg.

I completely roll into the nettles.. My friends comment “oh healing is healing. You won’t be sick this year” God bless you. Besides all the burning places, the wound on my elbow keeps throbbing until morning.

The weather is gloomy on the way to the waterfall, the dark clouds overhead are in between a rain is pouring. We’re a few people ahead.. The ones in the back got away from us. In a place where we are quite close to the waterfall, it is raining so much that. we are under the trees. Friends who broke away from us found a hole and took shelter in it.. The photos I saw later are very funny.

We are the pioneer group of four.. I don’t need to take my top off. I’m already soaked. As soon as Minnak finds a waterfall, I entrust my phone to my friend and head towards the water.. “Are you going to enter?” says in amazement. “yeah… isn’t that what we’re here for?” I say. When I enter the water, there is a round of applause.. I’ll eat you.

When they come after me, a water war begins. “Is the water cold?” To those who say, I went to the islands of Istanbul for a swim last week.. the sea was colder. While we are playing with water, our friends are also catching up with us.. When they come, it is up to me to wet the dry ones.

They heard our joy and laughter from far away, they were surprised how they would come.. Our teacher Ömer is watching us with a smile and amazement.. I’ve been in canyoning training for months to enter this water, but we haven’t seen any water yet.. We laughed, had fun, okay, but now we have to go back.

We need to cook. I’m in a big hurry. I can’t leave anyone hungry. On the way to the waterfall, we came the easy way.. We went directly to the side of the stream and went on the straight road, but when we followed the teachers who we thought knew the way, we had to climb and descend on very steep roads.

This caused us to pass very beautiful roads.. A very steep slope that we had difficulty in descending is now waiting for us to climb.. we are all wet. Thank God it’s not cold.

What Food Is This Nation?

As we go up, we see the group behind us going trekking.. It’s getting me a fuss. When we reach the camping area, we get into the wet food thing.. The fire is burning by God. The whole team is laughing, someone is robbing, someone is chopping, someone is confusing.

Bursa Search and Rescue team from Bursa BAKUT’ It comes from the sun.We even do halay dance. I don’t know how we cooked that much food in one hour, but everything was ready for iftar.. Thank God we did not starve anyone.

While my eggplant salad is in my hand, my teacher Meral says: “For the first time, I am sitting in a camp without doing anything”. That’s enough for me. I say “Ohh teacher, have fun”. The head chef in every camp so far has been my teacher Meral.

With our music playing around our fire, 35 people are having their meals in a warm weather among the mountains in the darkening air.. Pleasant conversations begin.

What we experience during the waterfall walk during the day marks the entire night.. Volkan says: “I will never go after Bahar and Metehan in shorts again”. He’s absolutely right. We have been training for the watery canyon for months, but we always wandered around the mountains and stones.. I may have led some friends astray by dreaming of stepping into the creek all the way.

Then I may have rolled into the nettles in shorts.. I may have been caught in the rain and soaked wet, but was it all worth it?. We swam in rain and ice cold waters. We laughed so much we had so much fun. Our laughter made the mountain groan. they said so. Did we wet those who came to that laughter?. I don’t remember laughing this much lately.

We laughed at the songs we sang together. In this camp, all of us rookie students have been given tasks.. We did our best and went to sleep before it was too late.. It’s raining again at night, and it’s raining. It’s seven in the morning.. All friends have a great sense of humor. We woke up to a wonderful day. No sign of rain at night. Hülya and Ersan got up early and prepared breakfast.

We should be on the way to Adaca Canyon with everything ready at nine o’clock.. Pack a tent, wear a wetsuit and even wear boots over scuba socks in this hot weather.. Wear a life jacket. Our last moments before we die from the heat.

The most vital thing I learned from my diving trainings is that wetsuits are never fully worn in the sun.. It’s been told over and over that it’s vital to keep it below waist level.. Like hypothermia from cold, hyperthermia can be entered from extreme heat, and both are of vital importance.

Everyone is so guarded that they persistently wear their full clothes.. No matter what I say, it doesn’t help. I can never understand how they survived that heat.

Where is Adaca Canyon?

When the time comes, the shuttle takes us to a certain place. Our approach distance to the canyon is 1 km.. Adaca Canyon is on the left, on the road that leads from İnhisar district to Çalkara village. I wrote the coordinates here at first, but after a last minute message from my teacher Ömer, I decide to delete it.

The places we go to are unknown to anyone, untouched, untouched places. The last thing we want is to be flooded and polluted by picnickers around here.. This warning makes a lot of sense to me.. I am not very willing to give directions on how to get to the untouched places I have been to lately.

KAD Association teachers discovered this place. They say that such canyons are known to the people who live here, but no one was the first expedition to enter, they recorded.. When I wonder how they named it, I talk to the people living in the nearby villages and learn that they give it the same name as the people call it.

Those Who Perished on the Roads of Adaca Canyon

We set out on such a road for Adaca Canyon.. We cross mountains hills. The weather is too hot for that. Even if my diving suit is half down to my waist, I have 3mm scuba socks on my feet and boots on it.. Our feet are in the water.

We seem to evaporate and disappear before we reach Adaca Canyon.. What a thirst, what a tiredness. If I thought for forty years, I would not have thought that I would walk in the mountains in a wetsuit. We descend by holding on to a rope on the last screed-covered descent to Adaca Canyon.. I can tell it’s pretty hard. Finally, we go straight up the creek and come to the entrance of the canyon.

Adaca Canyon

Waiting for the summary of this sport. We are in the last group this time. We start the canyon by descending from a waterfall.. There was a very deep pond where we landed.. Muddy water flows. Most likely due to the rain from the previous night. Finally we found the water. We are very happy. You’re cute like kids.

It’s not easy to walk, jump on a rope, and go downstairs with so many clothes on.. Since I fell in Ayvaini Cave, I never enter the canyon without a knee pad.. We go in and out of the waters, in most places we go down the waterfalls.. It’s not easy to walk where we step. We are in a hollow canyon.

We are taking a break in a wide area.. Our snacks were bought together. Consists of hazelnut dates and figs. How did I manage to bring a glass bottle of mineral water up there without breaking it?. The front groups are leaving one by one.. We’ll drink coffee.

I, who don’t normally like coffee, love this coffee chapter.. Ersan and Hülya are not lazy and they are preparing for us.. They even brought Turkish delight with the coffee.. without getting wet. Shortly after the break time, we see the group leading from the front waiting somewhere.

How We Got Down from Hole Waterfall

They must go so we can pass.. We even take a light sleep while waiting for almost an hour. The place we saw after the other groups had passed gives the answer to why it was waited so long.. We have to get down from under a stone stuck in the middle, through a waterfall, while the waters hit our brains.

This must be the sourdough we’re looking for. It’s really nice to find the adrenaline we’re looking for when we’re napping and the body is a cold potato after a break.. I try to fit in between that stone as I enter the rope and go down.

When the icy waters start hitting my head at full speed, my last screams of sound spread out in my little breathing space.. having fun. That’s it. The last sour towards the end of the canyon makes us very happy. The idea of ​​putting a hat inside the helmet, which I learned from my teacher Meral before entering the canyon, and creating a breathing space for ourselves while descending from the waterfalls, helps me a lot here.

There is a place where you have to slide a few meters like a slide.. I’m the only one who can’t. Everyone is jumping but I prefer to jump rope. I don’t know what you think you have a fear of heights. Most people didn’t like it because it’s a short canyon 600 meters long, but we’re done.. If it continues a little longer, we have no cure to walk.

The life vest, wet clothes, knee pads on my knees are like a robot.. My movements are so restricted. We weary warriors emerged from the canyon with a newly triumphed look.. I don’t know how we would have continued if it had continued for a little longer.

Our permanent driver, Coşkun, is watching our exit with a tired tone.. He loves us, we love him so much. Part of the team, not a driver. Light the fire, gather wood, brew tea, tidy up, tidy us up. He even leaves us at our house when it’s late.. The joker of our canyon team is himself.

Adaca Canyon Return Road

Our vehicles have come to the canyon exit to pick us up. We are breaking up with boys and girls. We need to get rid of our wet clothes. This time I’m ready. I took large garbage bags with me. We get dry clothes and head back to our campsite.. We need to put the items we collected in the morning into the vehicle.. No rush. We are getting ready to play calmly.

I took my waterproof phone into the canyon to take pictures in the canyon, but at the beginning it got watery and pert.. I learned that a double-sided tape holds phones sold as waterproof.. Then I don’t know how they advertise it as taking videos and photos under water up to 6 meters.. Thanks to my friends for the photos and videos.

I’m dealing with the phone so. A friend of mine talks about having to put the phone back in water. It delays oxidation.. I do like that too. The phone in seven layers of bags makes my friends laugh so much. How the fish’s jokes are flying in the air.

We set off in the last days of the evening. I see a grasshopper inside the vehicle. Let’s not leave her home, I want to leave her back to nature. I catch it with my hand it’s running from somewhere. I bump my foot so hard when I’m dealing with it. There is no such pain. I release the grasshopper into nature as if nothing had happened and I look at my feet in fear.

Of course it’s covered in blood.. Our car’s exhaust was broken.. They put that pipe in the car. I got hit because I didn’t realize. You know, the meat was not separated from the nails.. We did such dangerous things, nothing happened.. I was injured in the vehicle. That evil eye would come from somewhere.. I’m so grateful for that.

Where to go in Japan

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