
The 10 Tallest Sculptures

Sculpture, sculpture is made of many kinds of materials such as stone, marble, soil in every tribe, civilization and in every age.. The statues found in the excavations were mostly depicted as the deity, king and queen of that period.. The sculptures made since ancient times mostly reflected the religious belief of that period.. Wherever we go in the world, it is inevitable to see small or large sculptures in the city we are in.. Buddha statues, which are commonly made when we go to the Far East country, are worth seeing.. Even daily tours are organized just to see these gigantic sculptures.. In this article, we would like to introduce you to the 10 tallest statues in the world.

Spring Temple Buddha, Lushan, Henan, China

Height: 128 m. Production Year: 2002

The statue and Vairocana Buddha are depicted in the town of Zhaocun, Lushan city, Henan Province, China.. Completed in 2002, the statue is the tallest statue in the world.. The name of the statue was later changed and it took its new name from the nearby Tianrui hot spring.. In the hot spring, which reaches 60 degrees, people thank Vairocana and believe that they will attain goodness, prosperity and health through him.. $18 million was spent on the construction of the statue.

Laykyun Setkyar, Sagaing Division, Burma

Height:116 m. Year of Construction : 2008

2nd place in the world with a height of 116 meters. is the tallest statue. The reclining Buddha at the foot of the statue also has the feature of the world’s largest reclining Buddha.. Gautama Buddha is depicted. It took 2 years to make the statue.

Ushiku Daibutsu, Ushiku, Ibaraki, Japan

Height: 120 m. Construction Year: 1993

A 10-meter-high lotus flower was built on a 10-meter-high stone platform, and the statue was built on top of them, with a total length of 120 meters.. It can go up to 85 meters with the elevator.. Amitabha Buddha is depicted on the bronze buddha commemorating Shinran’s (founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism) birthday. The weight of the statue is 4003 tons.

Nanshang Haishang Guanyin, Sanya, Hainan, China

Height: 108 m. Year Made: 2005

Avalokitesvara is known as Guanyin in east Asia. Guanyin is believed to symbolize mercy.. This is why Guanyin or Avalokitesvara is called the “Goddess of Mercy”. Whether the gender depicted on the Guanyin statue is male or female depends on the Buddhist culture.. The statue has 3 facades. While one side faces inside China, the other two faces the South China Sea.. Guanyin statue represents China in its 3 angles, it is protecting China.

Emperor Yan and Huang Yan, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

Height: 106 m. Year Built: 2007

The sculptures carved into Mount Rushmore in the Yellow River Scenic Area near Zhenghou Province took more than 20 years to complete.. The earliest emperors of China (Yan Di and Hunag Di) are depicted.

Krsta Ray/Christ Statue, Almaty

Height: 103 m. Production Year: 1959

The length of the world’s most famous statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro and the statue of Cristo Rei in Almaty is the same as 28 meters. However, since the statue in Almaty was placed on the 82-meter-long stone structure, it took its place at the top of the list of the tallest statues in the world.

Sendai Daikannon, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Height: 100 m. Production Year: 1991

The statue depicts Bodhisattva Kannon. Bodhisattva Kannon is one of the most important figures in Japanese Buddhism.. Japanese Kannon means “Guanyin”. The statue, which means Bodhisattva Kannon in Japanese and Kanzeon Bosatsu, is a figure who understands the cry of the world according to the Japanese.

Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin of Weishan, Changsha, Hunan, China

Height: 99 m. Year of Construction: 2009

China’s 4th place, which cost 260 million Yuan in 2009. 7 of the world. It has the distinction of being the tallest statue. The gold-plated monument also depicts Avalokitesvara standing still.

Peter the Great Statue, Moscow, Russia

Height: 96 m. Year of Construction: 1997

Designed by Georgian designer Zurab Tsereteli to commemorate 300 years of Russian navy.

Great Buddha, Ang Thong, Thailand

Height:92 m. Production Year: 2008

The sitting lotus position Buddha statue took 18 years to build. The statue was designed according to the main rules of Theravada Buddhism.

SummaryArticle NameThe 10 Tallest SculpturesDescriptionIn this article, we would like to introduce you to the 10 tallest statues in the world.. Sculpture and sculpture are made of many kinds of materials such as stone, marble, soil in every tribe, civilization and in every age.. The statues found in the excavations were mostly depicted as the deity, king and queen of that period.. The sculptures made since ancient times mostly reflected the religious belief of that period.
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