
The world is small!

There are moments when you feel awkward. You hear a sound and do not believe the authenticity of the sound you hear. I heard such a feeling years ago in a hotel lobby in Egypt. In that environment, someone said, “Kemal Bey, Kemal Bey!” he was calling. Maybe I said I heard wrong. A few seconds later, I saw one of my neighbors in front of me and I said the world is small.

This time it was more interesting. I saw a girl who was busy taking pictures of butterflies in an orchid garden in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She was trying to photograph a bowing butterfly. I did the same.

It was not easy to spot the beautiful butterflies. After taking a few pictures, I showed the girl a butterfly and told her that she could take it just as she was leaving, and headed for the exit. A voice from behind me “Kemal!” he was saying. When I returned to the audio, Aline from Belgium, whom I met exactly 1 year ago at the couchsurfing house I stayed in Fiji, was standing in front of me. we had received. If I had passed by without saying anything to the girl I saw with her hat, glasses and camera covering her face, we would probably never have known that we were in the same place at the same time.

Yes, the world is small!

Day 640 : Thailand: 7 Chiang Mai, 4 May 2012

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