
There’s a Place for Everyone in Berlin! – Berlin Travel Guide

Berlin Travel Guide and Places to Visit in Berlin

Since we came back from Berlin, we’ve been looking each other in the eye at home, wondering ‘which one of us will start writing Berlin Travel Guide‘. Because there is so much to talk about while writing the Berlin Travel Guide.. We want to talk about everything from its streets to its cafes, from its museums to the incredible transformation it has experienced in recent years.. Writing Berlin is a big production, so you can see(!)

We had long thought of visiting Berlin, but we waited for the right time, thinking that it would not fit in a weekend, and we took our breath away in Berlin as we caught our two friends from Izmir in January.. If you were to summarize the 5 days you spent in Berlin in a few words, we can sincerely say, ‘Our rump (biiiippppp) was frozen, but it was very nice (of course, Berlin was beautiful). Despite the thermal underwear we wore, we were very cold, but on the other hand, we enjoyed being in Berlin immensely.

Berlin is not a city where you can admire its buildings like other European cities and say ‘wow, men have done it’, on the contrary, it is a city that is beautiful in wars. a city that has lost its buildings and is trying to recover. But it has a spirit of its own that makes you forget all this relative ‘ugliness’.. And for us, cities with a soul always come before cities with a nice type.

Many European cities have ghettos of ‘other’ cultures and they have to fit in there.. For example, the center of Brussels is different, after 3 stations it is different.. In Berlin, on the other hand, ‘other’ cultures are completely intertwined and everyone continues to live their ‘alternative’ culture as they wish.. As you can see, there is freedom in Berlin, and we loved this state of being free.

Then here is our very ‘free’ Berlin travel article and our Berlin travel notes


When to go to Berlin and is it expensive?

As you know, winter in Germany lasts for 10 months. The remaining 2 months are hot and generally light rainy.. Okay, we may be exaggerating a bit, but if you are going to Berlin in the summer, do not forget to take a raincoat with you despite everything, and if you are going in the winter, do not forget to go really prepared.. Especially if you are going in December-February, thermal underwear will save your life.. There is no condition that the cold will reduce your walking quality, and you can solve this problem by wearing underwear, thick socks and nice gloves.

Another reason why we love Berlin so much is that it attracts tourists like oxen (sorry). although it was still invaluable. When we say it’s not expensive, let’s fix it like this; Of course, there are also very expensive and ‘tourist trap’ restaurants in the city, but since cheap alternatives are always in front of you, you never go to expensive places and you can eat well even for 3 Euros.. Likewise, the prices of coffee shops, bars and museums are very affordable.. While we are writing this article, Euro is 4 lira (an update is coming here). We are constantly updating it because the euro does not stand still in Turkey.. We’re sorry, but the euro is now 7 lira), so we can call anything that costs euros ‘cheap’ because it is about to find.

No, but in short, we can say that Berlin is still cheap compared to other European cities.. A kind of consolation for the emptiness(!)

Where to Stay in Berlin?

Accommodation and Urban Transportation in Berlin

If you are going to land at Tegel Airport, the city You can reach the center in half an hour with the ‘TXL Bus‘. The price is around 3 Euros one way.

If you’re coming from another European city by train like us, your job is easier.. The train drops you off at the central station and you can take the metro from the same station to your destination.

Berlin has a very developed metro system.. Everywhere you plan to visit as a tourist, the subway will most likely be going.. So you don’t need to take a taxi unless you have to. Metro tickets are also 2.70 Euros one way and 7 Euros per day.. If you want to buy a daily ‘group ticket’, you pay 20 Euros no matter how many people in your group and you can use it for up to 5 people.. If you buy a group ticket alone, the group will have only one ticket, so there is no need to leave your head.. If you ask us, buy a daily ticket, there are so many places to visit in Berlin that you can’t go everywhere on foot and you may have to use the subway all the way through. We thought we wouldn’t get lost. Or we were unconscious, we got on and we kept mixing.

As for the Accommodation in Berlin, we loved Kreuzberg so we made our accommodation in this region, but if you want it to be more central, you can choose the Mitte region.. You can reach all parts of Berlin from Mitte very easily.

If you are looking for an affordable and central hotel in Kreuzberg, you can look at the ‘Angleterre Hotel’.. We left the link here.

The most central and convenient hotel proposed to us in Mitte so far has been ‘Hotel We’.. If you can find a place by looking here, you can grab it! Another Mitte suggestion is ‘Motel One Spittelmarkt’.. Here is its link.

We were not comfortable, let’s give a third suggestion! If there is no room left in the previous Motel One, you can try the other Motel One. He is here too. We specifically recommended Motel Ones because we love the ‘cheap design hotel’ theme, Motel One is really good at it.

If you want to stay at Airbnb, let’s leave a link like this. If you become a member of Airbnb with this link, you earn a credit of 130 TL valid on your first stay, and as you continue to use Airbnb, Airbnb may start to like you more and load surprise credits into your account.

Then, without further ado, ‘ We can move on to Places to Visit in Berlin!


So little to say about the insane transformation of Kreuzberg. A few years ago, Kreuzberg, one of the largest Turkish ghettos in Germany, where jokes were constantly made that even dogs were barking in Turkish in Kreuzberg, ehe ehe, went through a very strange transformation.. It has become the most ‘hipster’ area of ​​Berlin and blended it with Turkish uncles, barbers, waxers etc.. It turned out to be a very fun area.. For example, you look in front of a 3rd wave coffee shop, Turkish uncles are playing backgammon, or what do we know, when you are determined to eat hamburgers, you look at a raw meatball restaurant.. We know it happened.

We loved this very diverse-multicultural version of Kreuzberg.. We even spent a day wandering its streets and taking pictures of the signs.

Also, one of the ‘sofa pubs‘, which has been popular in Berlin in recent years, is open in abundance in Kreuzberg and if you come in the evening. You can’t get bored in this area. Since Kreuzberg is a very large area, those who want to travel on foot can get off at the ‘Kottbuser Tor‘ U Bahn stop and start from ‘Kreuzberg Merkez‘.

When you see the Çeyizci-Gaybar-Mosque and Koktely Bar quartet together, you will understand better what we mean..

We will also mention the coffee shops, hamburgers and bars we tried in the Kreuzberg region in the food and beverage section at the end of the guide..


Mitte, the Museum Island and important galleries in Berlin, which is a bit more elite than the rest of Berlin. Here, the shabby state of Berlin disappears and you pass to the ‘elegant restaurants’ section.. If you want to shop, you can come to Mitte.

Obviously, Mitte did not appeal to us very much.. “Die Mitte” means “middle” in German. Indeed, this is the middle of Berlin and, in our opinion, a region without a ‘Berlin Identity’.


Neukölln was once a dangerous and problematic area of ​​Berlin, but now it is a ‘hipster’ area. lance region. At the time, this was the poorest district of Berlin and in 1996 a school in this district was voted the worst school in Germany(!) You can think of it as Kreuzberg’s brother, but it cannot be said that it has not completed its transformation yet.

The main street is ‘Karl Marx Strasse’. While walking in Istanbul, you can suddenly see someone spit on your head from the window or pee on the street, but at the same time, third wave coffee shops and bars continue to open at full speed.. Since it is in a very intermediate period in the process of ‘hysterization’, if you go soon, you may encounter such different views.. And we have news for Kadıköy lovers.. As of April, it opens to Neukölln ‘In the Backyard’!

Prenzlauer Berg

Another ‘third wave coffee shop’ and ‘newly opened bar’ we can recommend to you. This is the Berlin district that lives in. Its main street is called ‘Prenzlauer Allee‘ and you can find nice coffee shops, boutiques and bars on both sides. A bit far from other central areas as it is east of Berlin. That’s why (our personal opinion) you can leave this region for last and visit it if you have time on the last day.

Brandenburger Tor

Brandenburger Tor The Branderburger Gate was built towards the end of the 18th century and is still one of the symbols of Berlin.. When the Nazis came to power, they started to use the door as a symbol.. II. During the World War II, the gate was badly damaged and was not opened until 1961, especially at the request of the administration, until the unification of west-east Berlin in 1989.

This is the story of the gate The region where this gate is located is Berlin. one of the most populated areas of. Soldiers are waiting around the gate to attract tourists, and you can take pictures with money (of course, there is no need).

Germany’s famous Parliament Building ‘Reichstag‘ is immediately Brandenburger Tor Located near . Both inside and around the Parliament Building are always full of tourists.. We can say that the reason why it attracts so many tourists is the glass dome at the top rather than the building itself.. They called this glass dome a marvel of engineering because they were able to reflect the light hitting the dome to the parliament hall with a structure consisting of mirrors at different angles.. It seems a bit of an exaggeration to call it an engineering marvel, frankly.

By the way, it is free to visit the building, but you need to make a reservation online and make an appointment. We can take you here for an appointment.

Last without saying how much you talked Let’s say something, one of the lauded events in the history of the building is that Hitler did not set foot in this building.. We liked this part.

Holocaust Memorial

The Holocaust Memorial is a monument built on an area close to the Parliament Building in Berlin to keep the Jewish Holocaust from being erased from memory.. His story is as follows; After the reunification of Germany, it is decided to build such a monument.. In the competition, the first winner is a 100 square meter iron plate on which the names of 5 million Holocaust victims are written (the unknowns are referred to as ‘unknown’).. However, it is canceled after the veto of West Germany’s head of government, Helmut Kohl.. The reason for this is that he says that there are not only 5 million people affected by the genocide, but many more, and a new competition is held and the present monument, consisting of rectangular prisms of different sizes, spread over a huge area.

The story of the Holocaust is here. it’s not over! An incident occurs just as the construction of the monument is about to begin.. It turns out that the company that will make the concrete blocks you see in the monument was a Nazi-led company that produced Zyklon B gas.. At this point, this company is allowed to make the concrete in order to make a decision and give the message that ‘we forget the past and build the future together‘.

Perhaps you have come across it recently, the Israeli writer Shapira’s , the project where he photoshopped the cheerful photos taken at this genocide monument was widely discussed on the internet and those who posed cheerfully were criticized a lot.. Already on the project’s website, Shapira said that the aim of the project is to guide those who come here to be more careful.

If you ask our opinion, we think this monument is a memory of a very painful period.. But at the same time, from an architectural point of view, it is a very important artistic structure.. That’s why we didn’t know. We just wish that every nation, every country regretted what they did in the past as much as the Germans did, the world would be a very different place.

If you want to take a look at Shapira’s project, we put it here.

http:/ /www.sanatatak.com/view/soykirim-anitinda-soke-edici-selfies


The plaza center of Holocoust and Berlin ‘Postsdamer Platz

This park, right behind strong>, is actually a summary of the park culture in all of Germany’s cities.. It occupies an extremely large area in the very center of the city and is completely peaceful.. Even in winter, people do not give up walking and doing sports here despite the minus degree weather.. In fact, while it will give you complete peace and tranquility, you get angry thinking that if we had it, it would have already become a shopping mall.

German parks are our favorite summer and winter.. So even if you come to Berlin in winter, you can visit Tiergarten just to see that religiousness and German order.

East – Side Gallery:

East-Side Gallery, Berlin Wall’ It consists of graffiti made on a piece of about 1.3 km remaining from. We think you must have seen a photo of your friends who have been to Berlin before!

But we have sad news, although barriers have been placed in front of most graffiti, most of them have been victims of vandalism.. The beautiful graffiti is gone, replaced by strange slogans and doodles.. Although artists are allowed to work on this wall from time to time, its current state is not very encouraging.. But is it invisible? Of course not!

You can easily reach East – Side Gallery by getting off at Warschauer Strasse.

Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint in Kreuzberg Charlie was the crossing point between former East Germany and West Germany.. It now stands purely symbolic and you can see the soldiers holding American flags to the left and right.. There is also the ‘Haus am Checkpoint Charlie‘ museum next to it, but we did not enter it.. The entrance is around 12 Euros.

When you move a little further from here, you can see one of the surviving pieces of the Berlin Wall.. Behind the wall is the ‘Topography of Terror‘ museum, which tells about the Nazi Terror.. In the place of the prefabricated building, which is now used as a museum, there was the main center of the Gestapo.. The building was bombarded and destroyed in the war.. Instead, this prefabricated building was built and started to be used as a museum.

The entrance is free and open every day from 10:00 to 20:00.

The Ruined Church – Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche :

As those who can’t get enough of seeing the traces of the Second World War in Berlin, our last route was Berlin’s Famous ‘Destroyed Church‘. This church was badly damaged in the Second World War and its restoration is still not complete.. There is also a section to commemorate the Second World War.

Jewish Museum Berlin:

As you can see from the name, Jewish Museum Berlin’s Jewish Museum A museum focused on the Holocaust and the history of Jewish culture in Europe.

The architect of this museum, Daniel Libeskind, received great criticism during the project phase.. The building is made in a zig-zag shape and when viewed from the top, there is a large gap in the middle of the building.. This gap symbolized the extinction of Jewish culture in Europe due to the Holocaust.. The interior of the building is similarly filled with narrow corridors that suddenly widen.. Here, too, Libeskind tried to explain the plight of the Jews.

The museum really impresses you.. Especially if you have time, you can listen to true stories from the voices of those who witnessed the war and enter the holocaust tower at the top of the building.. We do not specifically give the details of the Holocaust tower so that it will have the same effect on you.

The museum is open every day from 10:00 to 20:00.

Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral):

You know, every European city has a must-have famous cathedral. Berliner Dom is also Berlin’s.

The cathedral’s history dates back to 1465, but it was heavily damaged during World War II and was only reopened in 1993.

Located on the famous ‘museum island‘ in Berlin. That’s why you can squeeze in the Berliner Dom on the day you plan to go on the museum island..

Berlin Museum Island and Some Museums Chapter:
DDR Museum:

Here we come to another favorite Berlin museum (we’ll bury the non-favorite ones below)! If you are interested in East Germany, this is the museum you are looking for.. In fact, the DDR Museum is not like a classical museum.. Inside the museum, there are living rooms, kitchens, children’s rooms and toilets furnished with period furniture.. Also, in most museums, you just look at it, it is forbidden to touch, to approach or something, it is not like that here.. You can enter the rooms exhibited in the museum, lie on the beds and touch everything.

As a matter of fact, we really liked the DDR Museum.

Additional note: There is a section with an elevator inside the museum.. We won’t go into more details to avoid spoilers, but give it a shot!

Pergamon Museum:

Pergamon (Bergamo) Museum is the museum that attracts the most attention of tourists coming to Berlin, especially Turks.. The museum consists of 3 parts and takes its name from the temples belonging to the Hellenistic period found near Bergama, which we know.

The same discussion about the British Museum in London applies to the Bergamo Museum.. Because, as you know, some artifacts are brought here from Turkey and many other places without permission on time, or they are sold to the Germans by Abdülhamit II.. Some say, ‘If he had stayed in Turkey, they would have pissed on the works, what they brought was good’. Some say, ‘Who did you steal from, who are you selling to?’. Because there is a great history in the same museum, from Ottoman Paintings to old coins and the Altar of Zeus.. We can say that if you are a bit of a history buff, it will definitely interest you.

Alte Nationalgaleria:

We’re not going to love every museum we go to, but here is one that can be blamed! Maybe they will read this article and get angry with us, but we absolutely loved this place.

19. This museum, where the works of art of the 19th century are exhibited, has been invaded by old German aunts.. You pay 10 Euros to enter the museum and you can’t get close to any of the artifacts because of the aunts who came with their stools and ‘parked’ right in front of the Eduard Manet works.. A strangeness, a strangeness, a coldness. Anyway, we didn’t like it.

If you still want to go despite all the scribbling, it’s open every day except Monday from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Thursdays until 20:00.

Altes Museum:

On the contrary, we liked ‘Altes Museum‘, which is an Antique Museum. There are works of art from the Greek and Roman periods here, too, and if you have limited time, you can definitely choose the ‘Alte Nationalgalerie’ instead of the ‘Alte Nationalgalerie’ (don’t mix names and go to one instead of the other!)

Where you can see the Byzantine period works

We could not visit the strong>Bode Museum and the Neues Museum, which is about Egyptian history, in order not to fall into a museum coma.. If anyone goes to Berlin and visits, they can share it with us!

Also, if you plan to enter all of these museums, it is much cheaper to get a ‘museum pass’.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Located in Oranienburg, 30-40 km from Berlin, this concentration camp is now a museum and admission is free.

Actually, there are many things we want to write about this place that touched us. but let’s just write a few of what we remember. First, you pass through the watchtowers and reach the big gate with the inscription ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ on it.. ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ means ‘Work Makes Free’ in German. Auschwitz also has the same inscription on its entrance. It was a slogan that Hitler once put out to incite people by saying “work liberates” and to steal labor from them.. Let’s continue to talk about Sachsenhausen by saying that work does not liberate, work does enslave.. Among these documents, the most memorable one was the report written by a concentration camp doctor for a prisoner who fell ill, “This can’t work anymore, it’s okay to be killed.” It is thought that approximately 100,000 Jews were killed in Sachsenhausen in 10 years.. Indeed, this place will surely impress you.. So you decide to go and go.

Berlin Eating and Drinking Section

The indispensable part of every travel article, of course, is the eating and drinking section! Berlin is a paradise in this respect. If you want cheap street food, you can find street food, if you want a hamburger restaurant, no, if you say you want Far Eastern cuisine, you can find Far Eastern cuisine and it is really cheaper to eat and drink coffee in Berlin compared to the rest of Germany.. We don’t know anymore if cheap is the right word (euro, of course), but compared to Frankfurt, we can guarantee that it’s much more convenient to eat out.

So let’s talk about our favorite places!


Kreuzburger is truly a Kreuzberg classic. You get a hamburger menu for 6 Euros and you get full, and we can say that the price-performance is absolutely maximum! Only in Berlin there is a strange brand of ayran, they make strawberry-cherry ayran or something. Don’t make a mistake like us and buy cherry buttermilk with your hamburger by saying, ‘Oh, it’s such a cherry ayran’ (it tastes terrible)!

Berlin’ Another popular burger restaurant in Turkey is ‘Burgermeister‘ but we couldn’t find it and try it.. You may also want to take note of Burgermeister.

Angry Chicken:

There is a place where you can try international cuisine on ‘Oranienstrasse‘, the street where Kreuzburger is located.. A Korean cuisine venue at Angry Chicken. Actually the concept is very simple.. There is only a chicken menu on the name, and the real highlight of the place is the sauces.

If you are in Kreuzberg, you can spare a lunch here.. It got full marks from us.

Santa Maria:

World cuisines do not end in Kreuzberg. A Mexican restaurant in Santa Maria that we entered by chance. Prices are a bit higher than the Kreuzberg average, but we were so happy with the tacos we ate that we couldn’t complain about the price.. And Thursdays are taco day and all tacos are 1 euro all day.

Chupenga Burritos & Salads:

As you can see, obese-bi-blog, We didn’t take a second break from eating.. This place became a Mexican Restaurant that managed to fill us up.. They only sell burritos and a salad open burrito but it’s definitely worth a try. Prices are also affordable.

Companion Coffee:

This coffee shop in Kreuzberg, which also has a separate section selling designer products, made Umut very sad.. Because, unfortunately, they realized Umut’s dream of a coffee shop before us.. They sell design products, their employees are extremely sympathetic and their coffee is very good.. Companion Coffee; Big love to you from-bi-blog on the way!


We don’t want to talk so much and turn you off from Kreuzberg, but what to do, really write places in Kreuzberg! It’s not like it’s going to end! This is a place that used to be a pharmacy but has now been converted into a coffee shop.. Probably because we heard a lot of praise before we went, we became a little ‘ay-hu-here’ but it might be worth a try.. Prices are also normal. Coffees were around 3-4 Euros.


Sorry we’re going to get ugly here! According to Tripadvisor and more scientifically, this place is considered the best coffee shop in Berlin. We are shocked! Indeed, the end of the world was the worst roaster-coffee shop we went to in our lives, and even though we said, ‘Is there a problem with us, bro’, we are sure that it is not our problem, whether it is the poor quality of service or the ugliness of the coffees.. Anyway, after all, we are not experts, but if you want to drink a nice cup of coffee like us, you can try ‘I’M Womb‘ in the back street. (ohh we buried this place, we’re relieved)

Let’s talk about nightlife.. Berlin means nightlife, nightlife means Berlin. But there is a condition for this, if you want to see the real nightlife of Berlin, you need to research beforehand and know where to go.. Because Berlin is such a big city and the fun doesn’t come to you, you have to go to it..

Berlin nightlife can be divided as follows; Even in Frankfurt, the classic shabby beer places called ‘Berliner Pub‘, more shabby places called ‘sofa‘ and become popular in recent years, gay bars and the most famous nightclubs Since we are no longer in our ‘too young and crazy’ years, we skipped the nightclubs part of Berlin this time, but since we are ‘still not dead’, we did not miss the nightlife!


We didn’t go, but a friend(!) went, we know from him. KitKat is one of the first places that comes to mind when it comes to Berlin and nightlife, but this nightlife is a bit crazy.. So a friend (!) went from there, we know that he takes it up to your underwear before entering (:)) and you can get in like that and of course they don’t take everyone and there can be an incredible crowd at the door.. We think we don’t need to explain the content..


Kreuzberg again, us again! If you are looking for a cheap place in Kreuzberg where you can spend the evening and drink homemade shots, you can try this place.. There are already so many alternative bars on the same street that if you don’t like this place, you can go somewhere else.

Möbel Ölfe:

The famous ‘Kreuzberg’ in Hani Kreuzberg There’s the ‘Center’ sign, here is a shabby brewery right behind that sign.. Drinks are cheap and open late.. If you can’t find a place here, you can try the nearby Multilayerladen. This is one of Berlin’s famous sofa bars.. But let’s be warned right away, smoking is allowed inside Franken, Möbel Ölfe and Multilayerladen, which we wrote recently.. It is smoked, but not like that, sometimes there is smoke as if there is a fire.. If you are bothered by cigarette smoke, avoid it!

Hangar 49:

If you want live music, smoking inside, cheap and fun, let it be ours, Hangar 49 is very It will most likely meet your expectations.. If you go to Hangar 49, you can also have a beer for us.. Places like this don’t turn out as well as they usually say.. So why did we write this? Because the doner we ate at Mustafa’s Gemüse was really good and we licked our spit slightly.. This mobile buffet in Kreuzberg, which is 5 square meters and is always overcrowded, actually sells the chicken doner you know.. But he puts whatever he finds in the doner; Think of a doner kebab, a mixture of zucchini, curd cheese, carrots, yogurt, garlic, pepper, avocado, and vegetables and sauce.. We really liked it and although there are hundreds of places in Berlin with the concept of doner with vegetables, we did not like any of the other vegetable doner kebabs we tried.. In addition, the price of doner was 3.5 Euros.. We can definitely say that the price-performance is maximum.

And right next to this place is Berlin’s most popular hot dog ‘Curry 36‘.. If Mustafa’s Gemüse is too crowded, you can try this place.

Markthalle Neun:

This is a food market in Kreuzberg that is held every Thursday and hosts street food from all over the world.. If you like street food like us, don’t miss it..


This is an alternative Berlin Pub that opened recently around Neukölln. Although it is just a normal bar, it is forbidden to take photos inside, we could not understand the reason.. If you don’t like this place, you can try the ‘Ä Bar’ right across it.

There are a few other places we’ve heard of a lot but haven’t had the opportunity to go to; We didn’t go to Rausch Schokoladenhaus and Five Elephant Kreuzberg specifically, we didn’t have time to go to Tante Lisbeth Bar either.. You can also take notes here if you want.

We’ve come to the end of another travel article 🙂 In summary, Berlin is beautiful.. Berlin is sweet. Berlin’s streets are ugly, but the soul is beautiful. In fact, Berlin is the city to have fun and marry.

We hope you have a great time in Berlin too.


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