
They Will Produce Cars With 3D Printers

3 years ago, I went to Germany at the invitation of DHL.. At the DHL Innovation Days event, German logistics giant managers told us about their predictions about the technologies of the future and their work in this direction.. 3D printers, a subject that had not caught my attention until then, caught my attention for the first time here.. DHL executives said that they thought very seriously about 3D printers, which they said they saw as the technology of the future, and that they thought this technology would even change their own way of doing business in the future.. It was said that with the development of this technology, the understanding of production will change and the consumer will also become a manufacturer.

I have been following 3D printers and their progress carefully since then.. Today, even living organs can be printed with 3D printers, even for a short time.. Of course, one of the areas that this technology will affect is the automotive industry.. You will soon be able to print your own car with 3D printers, perhaps at home.. It may sound crazy to you, but studies on this subject are continuing rapidly. As a matter of fact, it has been announced that the 3D software platform “Spark”, which Autodesk has just introduced to the market, is being used by Local Motors.. The software will be used in the creation of Strati, the world’s first 3D car, which Local Motors is currently working on.

Autodesk, one of the world’s leading software companies earlier this year, it announced plans to launch “Spark,” a new software platform that simplifies the 3D printing process and makes it more reliable.. Autodesk has announced a collaboration with Local Motors on this new software platform that offers greater control over printing.. The software will be used in the creation of Strati, the world’s first 3D car, which Local Motors is currently working on.

Local Motors Community Management Manager Alex Fiechter said about this collaboration, “Spark platform developed to accelerate innovation in manufacturing. From shaping our ideas more accurately to driving ‘design for desktop production’ (DFAM) and simplifying the process of creating machine code, Spark is making it faster than ever before to transform digital models of various shapes into physical production parts.” p style=”text-align: justify;”>About collaboration Autodesk Vice President and General Manager Samir Hanna said, “Local Motors is aware of what the Spark platform can do for industrial production projects.. This collaboration is an important step to push the limits of 3D printing in large format and completely change the design – production process.”. These steps taken by Local Motors today are the first steps of technology that will enable you to print cars using 3D printers in your own garage tomorrow.. I think you’d better look for a house with a big garage already

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