
Things to Know About Sri Lanka Trip

Sri Lanka, an island country on the Indian Ocean, was perhaps even known to most of us a few years ago. While it was a quiet place in distant lands where it was not, it has started to make a name for itself with its many features such as natural beauties and different cultures.. For this reason, for those who have heard about Sri Lanka but want to learn what air and water people are like, wonder what to watch out for, and do not know where to start even though they are thinking of going, a things to know about Sri Lanka is a travel> I thought it would be helpful to create the guide.

Where is Sri Lanka?

I have marked on the map below to show the distance of Sri Lanka to Turkey. As you can see, it’s a little far. So while you’re there, it’s good to see other places nearby.. Since the most preferred countries with the Sri Lanka tour are India and Maldives, I marked them on the map as well.. I chose to see Maldives and wrote the following article about Maldives trip prices.

Click to see all Sri Lanka hotels and book with discounted rates on booking.com.

Maldives and India are among the preferred countries for a trip to Sri Lanka due to their location.

Turkey – Sri Lanka Time Difference

Sri Lanka time in Turkey’ 2.5 hours ahead of. Yes, two and a half. This is the first time I’ve heard of the one and a half hour difference Since there is no summer and winter time application in Sri Lanka, the time difference will be 2.5 for each period of the year as long as Turkey stays in summer time.

Sri Lanka Visa

Although it may seem like “no visa is required”, Sri Lanka requires a visa and the visa application does not grant any privileges to ‘privileged’ passports such as green passports, service passports, diplomatic passports.. You got it right, we all get it

Luckily it’s pretty easy to get a Sri Lanka tourist visa for up to 30 days. It is enough to enter the requested information at www.eta.gov.lk and pay 35 dollars from your credit card.. After 1-2 days, the visa comes to your e-mail address and you print it out.. Click to access the tourist visa link directly.

The other option is to get a visa at the airport when you go, do it if you want.. Of course, I think it’s easier to handle it online.

When to Sri Lanka Where to go?

The best times to go to Sri Lanka are December, January, and February, and during these times the country attracts tourists. being flooded. If you are considering a sea-sun holiday, you can coincide your trip with these months and enjoy the sunny weather around 30 degrees.

If we extend the period, we can say that you can go from October to April.. It depends a bit on your luck; Although I went in September, which is not considered ideal, I did not have any problems other than small showers.. My friends who went in a more suitable time like November experienced tropical storm and fog problems.

If you go to Sri Lanka at a good time, you can enjoy the view.

How Long to Stay in Sri Lanka?

When you see it small on the map, you said you would finish it in a few days, right? You can’t finish it The places to visit in the country are scattered all around and due to the road conditions, it takes twice as long to go to a place that is seen on the map as this time to go.. I stayed 6 nights and I couldn’t go to some places even though I was hanging around with 4-5 hours of sleep a day.. That’s why I recommend you stay for at least a week, but those who want to do the whole thing can increase the duration to two weeks.

What many people do is “I have very little time, so only the capital city they flock to these regions, especially. Keep in mind that during the rainy season after April, the higher areas receive the most precipitation and the area will be uninhabited due to climbing risks.. So, if your intention is to enjoy nature, don’t plan your trip for a rainy period.

The train journey in Sri Lanka has also become very famous, especially in the last year or two, with the poses hanging from its door on social media.. This train leaves from Ella, which I just mentioned.

Sri Lanka Tea

Sri Lanka is the world’s most Did you know that it is one of the important tea producers? Seeing the lands where the smuggled tea or Ceylon tea is grown and visiting the tea factories will be one of the pleasant moments of a Sri Lanka trip, especially for tea drinkers.

Workers collecting tea in Sri Lanka..

With elephants, which we rarely encounter in our daily life in Turkey, we live in Sri Lanka quite often. you can get along. I love these big cute animals so much, I guess because the corners of their mouths always look up as if they are smiling Everything about elephants such as elephant safari, elephant orphanage, paper making from elephant dung, feeding baby elephants with a bottle, riding an elephant and going for a tour is here.

Sri Lankan dishes and tropical fruits are also very delicious, those who love food and beverage tourism will find different tastes.

You can meet and mingle with elephants in Sri Lanka.

Illness Risks in Sri Lanka

The first questions that come to mind about Sri Lanka are usually, is it a risky country and can I get the disease?. Yes, some things need attention.. Let me give you the good news first, we don’t get vaccinated Or let me say I didn’t, those who want to be more cautious will find a vaccine to do.

First of all, you should take precautions to protect yourself from malaria.. Sri Lankans think that the risk of malaria is no longer in their country, and there has been no malaria case in recent years, but since Turkey is one of the countries considered risky, we can provide malaria medicine free of charge by the Ministry of Health.. For this, you can visit the Travel Health Center www.seyahatsagligi.gov.tr or call 444 77 34 and make an appointment.. At your appointment time, you go to the center closest to you (check the nearest center from the contact section of the website) and you get enough medicine for the duration of your trip, that’s all I thought that there would be a difficulty because I went for touristic purposes (after all, I don’t have to go) but what a difficulty. nor was a fee charged, I appreciated. However, you should be careful not to leave this medicine for the last day of your trip, because it is necessary to start using the malaria medicine a few days before your trip.. Also, you should have your TR ID with you when you go to take your medicine.

One ​​of the most important things to know about Sri Lanka is the disease risks there.

Sri Lanka is counted among the countries with hepatitis A and typhoid fever risk by Turkey, but I did not take any precautions regarding this.. Since typhoid is transmitted through food and water, when I went to the travel health center they told me not to eat raw food such as salad and not to drink tap water.. They even said to use bottled water while brushing your teeth, but I didn’t pay much attention to this part.. However, read the most detailed information on the ministry’s website and ask again when you go to buy the malaria medicine.

Things to Take With You When Traveling to Sri Lanka

  • Medicines and Preservatives

After taking our precautions against malaria, which is the most important disease transmitted by mosquitoes, we take personal precautions such as fly repellent spray and ointment for itching for bites that are extremely annoying even when they do not transmit disease it’s good to get. But if you think “I can spray my spray and enjoy myself without being bitten by any living thing”, you are an over-optimistic person, unfortunately there is no such world The most disliked part of your Sri Lanka trip will be these itchy red bumps anyway, try not to hang around too much.

It didn’t happen to me, but the things you eat may upset your stomach. You can take medicine with you for problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

Intruders may give bite parties on your body.

  • Clothes

Let’s get to the little tips that will save our trip. During your Sri Lanka trip, you will visit many Buddhist temples and shoes are not allowed in these temples.. Do not think of it as taking off your shoes when entering the mosque, as we do, because temples are usually outdoors or at least some of them start from the open air.. In this case, we have two bad possibilities; First, it will be rainy and your feet will be covered in mud.. Always have plenty of tissues in your bag for this possibility.. The second possibility is that it will be sunny and your feet will scald as you step on.. For this possibility, always have socks in your bag.. You will pray for me a lot

The other thing to pay attention to about temples is the dress code.. I wrote in my Bangkok post, it’s better for women to have shawls and cardigans with them and cover their shoulder-back-chest parts.. Also try not to wear short shorts and skirts above the knee, at any time an attendant may say that your attire is inappropriate and prevent you from entering the temple.

Sri Lanka’ There are also open-air parts of the temples and you have to take off your shoes.

Speaking of attire, depending on the period you are going to, you usually wear summer clothes with you when the weather gets cool or it rains. It would be appropriate to buy cardigans and seasonal coats that you can wear. Do not forget to take sun cream, hat to protect from the sun and umbrella against the risk of rain. In addition, it is beneficial that your shoes are of the type that can be easily put on and taken off due to the shoe removal event in the temples, and that they are not very valuable considering the risk of being stolen in the place where you take them off.. I’m aware that what I’ve said makes you think of slippers, but don’t just think of them as slippers, some regions in the interior of the country get cold and you get cold.. In some areas, there are so many flies and insects that you may not want any part of your feet to be exposed Sneakers are lovely.. I think.

  • Sockets in Sri Lanka

What about plugs? Before I went, I couldn’t find any information about Sri Lankan sockets, so I reasoned based on the country’s past.. I took my converter (converter) for three-input sockets with me, saying, “Since they were a British colony for a while, it may be used from British sockets”, I thought right So if you have it, take it with you, otherwise you will find it there now or you will find it where you left off. you want to borrow it.

You can choose t-shirts and knee-length pants like me to avoid wearing problems at temples. Hats and shoes are removed when entering the temples.

Don’t be afraid of these!

Sri Lanka has dealt with a civil war problem that lasted for 26 years due to the struggle of the separatist organization called Tamil Tigers to establish an independent state in the region where the Tamil ethnic group lives. solved in. Despite its tropical climate and cultural richness, this war is the most important reason why the country lags behind in terms of tourism.

People love tourists and feel uncomfortable because tourism is a serious source of income for many people in the war-torn country. doesn’t. As in many poor countries, there are people who come to you asking for money and trying to sell you something; but I haven’t met anyone who is very haunting and disturbing. In addition, it is not a country with a very insecure and high crime rate.. If you travel with a driver as I recommend, he warns you when there is a risk of any unpleasant situation and you have the chance to take precautions and avoid the risk.

Sri Lankans are friendly and love tourists.

Sri Lanka Considerations!

A few simple but important things to know about Sri Lanka and things to watch out for in Sri Lanka.

  • Buddhism

First of all you have to be very respectful of everything buddhism. Do not touch the Buddha statues or even take a picture with your back.. You heard right, they consider it disrespectful to turn your back on Buddha, and many temples will have attendants asking you to stand by your side while the picture is being taken.. In the statues, which are known to be more important in the historical sense, it is forbidden to even be in the same frame with the Buddha, you can only shoot the statue alone.. Also, do not try to pose in ways that mimic the posture of the Buddha statue.. It’s kind of weird, but it’s a cultural difference.

Be sure to stand sideways while taking the picture, as it’s considered disrespectful to turn your back on Buddha statues.

  • Monks

You will see orange-robed monks everywhere; Do not disturb them by showing them by hand, staring at them or taking pictures of them all the time. If you want to take a picture together, ask for permission.. Don’t touch the men with their arms if they let them, women shouldn’t even stay too close. If it’s a child in an orange dress, don’t try to love them and never touch their heads.

  • Flies and Monkeys

I mentioned mosquitoes and they will bite you Other animals to watch out for are wasps and monkeys. It is recommended to be quiet and move slowly in places where hives of wasps are seen; otherwise, bees may see it as a threat and attack them.. Monkeys, on the other hand, are cute but very mischievous, they can shake the leaves of the tree you are passing under or jump in front of you on the road and cause you to be very afraid.. Do not hold or even hide your phone to take pictures of it, they may hit your hand and drop the phone to the ground.. It should be added that their bellies are usually hungry; If there is a monkey speeding towards you, it probably wants the food you are carrying, give it and let it go.

Watch out for monkeys walking around and their sudden movements

What you need to know about Sri Lanka If you liked my article, please share it on social media, for my new articles and holiday suggestions Life and Travel on social media! As I mentioned in the article, you can send me an e-mail for the communication of the driver who took me around Sri Lanka and many of my readers afterwards, or you can reach me from my accounts below.

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