
This is a Story of Immigration to Australia

The word immigration has always struck me as sad.. Going somewhere for a long time, settling down, changing one’s life for another, making new friends and getting used to it all. If I had thought this deeply before writing our own immigration story, I think I wouldn’t have dared. I wanted to tell you, maybe it will inspire you.. That’s why I begin my living in Australia adventure…

Life in Australia : Wollongong Head Lighthouse

The Little Girl from Afar has a standard life that most of us have in Istanbul, has been educated continuously from the age of five to twenty-two (so uninterrupted that there is no time to even think about what she wants to do), industry engineer, married for 2 years with the Little Boy from Afar, whom he met at the age of 20, working at a company where everyone is dying to work from eight in the morning to five in the morning (this is not so sure:)), being told about the traffic, being told about his work, angry with Istanbul, but still loving it. He was someone, or rather someone, who had a beautiful but ordinary life like all of you.. So to Australia.

Life in Australia : Wedding Cake Rock

We were tired of something like everyone else bored but that wasn’t the only reason. We had traveled to about 15 countries since we were together, and there was one thing we always wanted: to go to a country where we could live in better conditions (not material conditions, but to feel completely valuable and not work for many things that we believe should be standard) before we turn 30. leaving everything behind.

First we started with the idea of ​​Europe so as not to scare ourselves. When we saw that the conditions were not good, we were left with two options: Canada and Australia.

Here completely Turkish logic came into play and we wanted to protect ourselves from the cold; At the expense of my insect phobia (you can guess how many jokes about snakes and bugs (!) my friends have been exposed to) we decided to settle in Australia. not so bluntly, it was at the same time that we made our decision and researched Australian visa types.

in Australia life : Melbourne-Flinders Street-Australia

When we made such a quick decision, we applied to Work and Holiday, the most suitable visa type for us.. Our waiting time for this visa was the saddest time for us.. Explaining to our family, explaining to our friends and taking care of everything, we planned to empty our “first” house!

When we announced our decision, I understood for the first time how brave we were.. It was as if every moment that passed from the house to the time to collect our belongings was a bit of a game, but the “migration” felt better at that moment.

If you are wondering how to find cheap flight tickets to Australia, The best plane and train ticket sites see my post.

Yes, we were leaving our family, friends, home and our beloved Moda, Kalamış.. Even at the expense of embarking on a brand new world, life and adventure…. Farewells, meetings, researches, thoughts, fears and a great curiosity.. Just yesterday, we, who had a settled order, house, job and a routine life, were left with 8 suitcases in our hands.. With no home and no job, what would we do now?

Life in Australia : The Three Sisters

It’s going to be a bit of a cliché, I know I’m not saying it first, but the saddest moment is when you left your family and friends at the airport.. Fortunately, our 35-hour flight, which we bought to be cheap (Of course, we weren’t in a hurry for anything), even exceeded my crying time, and I landed in Australia with my tears exhausted.

It will be 5 months since I’ve been here in the coming days.. When I got off the plane, the feeling of “God, where am I and what am I doing, we have to go back immediately”, which I literally felt, had already been replaced by “There is so much to discover here! How peaceful it is.”

See my article “Best hotel search engines” on finding hotels..

The summary of my five months is busily looking for a house, settling down, a temporary job found by the little boy far away (Although he is an engineer, he currently carries food by bike and tells me how much he loves this job every day. can’t finish :)) we need to breathe a sigh of relief, finish the language school and start the job search process. I even found my first job today! I will work for 15 days at the Easter Show, one of Sydney’s biggest festivals 🙂

Life here is a little easier than imagined when you look here from Turkey. Because there is a suitable job for everyone who wants to work, and everyone who works can spend their life above a certain average.

The fact that my first job was a festival is the best example of a kind of festival atmosphere here:)

Life in Australia : Melbourne Royal Botanic Garden

I will say that; indeed immigration; It means going to a place without returning for a long time, settling down, changing your life with another life, making new friends and getting used to all of these. And when combined with peace of mind, it doesn’t seem as difficult as it sounds.

We set out on this path as scared as all of you, but by doing something that most of us couldn’t: the courage to take the first step.. “I can’t because I’m afraid. I can’t because I’m weak.

I can’t, I’m very attached to my family” just means I don’t want to! Believe me, at the beginning of this road, I was the person who feared the most, thought that he was weak, and was the most fond of his family. I am here right now and in my heart every day; I wake up with longing for my family, city, and friends and still say, “I’m glad I’m here.”


If I did it, you can just as well. Everything is a dream, dreams start with a step. As long as you don’t stop dreaming and don’t be afraid to take the first step that you think is very difficult..

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