
Turkey’s Automobile Preferences-Research

Bosch Turkey has focused on automobile preferences in Turkey with a research it has done.. The results are interesting:

83 percent of the participants in the “Automotive Research” conducted by Bosch Turkey, which reveals vehicle usage habits, are passenger cars. consists of drivers. With this aspect, the research sheds light on passenger vehicle usage habits.

The interest in diesel continues to increase
According to the research , 45 percent of currently used vehicles is diesel, 26 percent is gasoline, 29 percent is LPG / Gasoline.. When users were asked what type of vehicle they would prefer if they bought a new vehicle, the answer was diesel with 59 percent, gasoline with 19 percent, LPG/Gasoline with 21 percent, and hybrid gasoline with 1%.. The new vehicle preference of Istanbul residents was diesel with a rate of 73 percent.. Another important development is that 79 percent of drivers want their vehicles to be environmentally friendly when purchasing vehicles.

The criterion for choosing a new vehicle is fuel consumption
Looking at the results of the research, it is seen that fuel consumption is the most important criterion with a rate of 91 percent in new vehicle purchases.. This is followed by the vehicle’s price, driving pleasure, fuel type and brand with 55 percent.. According to the data, male users (58 percent) attach more importance to price than female users (46 percent), and female users (58 percent) attach more importance to driving pleasure than men (48 percent).. In addition, men are more curious about the type of fuel and women are more curious about the design of the vehicle than the opposite sex.

In the research, it was seen that drivers do not care about on-board safety systems as much as fuel saving and environmentalism.. Based on this result; Considering that 90 percent of accidents are caused by driver errors, it can be said that driver support systems should be known more closely by drivers and their awareness should be increased.

Driving a car is one in every 5 people creates stress
According to the research examining the feelings of drivers while driving, driving a car creates stress in one out of every 5 people.. Again, two out of five drivers say they have to drive. This obligation exists in 3 out of 5 drivers living in Istanbul.. The most stressful situations for drivers in traffic are traffic density (72 percent) and sudden braking (62 percent).

Parking is great. problem
When listing the difficulties they experience while driving, drivers say that they have to drive 2.6 times a week at dusk and in heavy traffic, and 2.3 times in very congested traffic.. The obligation to drive in heavy traffic increases to 3.2 days in Istanbul, and the obligation to drive in very congested traffic increases to 3 days.. Drivers have to try to find a parking spot 2.3 days a week, park in tight spaces 2.2 days, and park in areas with heavy traffic 2 days.

The most common situation in traffic is incorrectly adjusted headlightsBosch Turkey Automotive Research has revealed the most common situations that participants encounter in traffic.. The discomfort felt by the drivers not adjusting their headlights according to the road conditions takes the first place with a rate of 22 percent.. 19 percent have very narrow parking spaces, 14 percent have to change lanes due to an obstacle, and 12 percent have to brake suddenly due to sudden pedestrians.. Bosch “Intelligent High Beam Control” technology offers the driver an easier drive by automatically adjusting the headlights according to the oncoming vehicle and road conditions.

Other common situations are

Research About

⃰ Bosch Automotive Research, to Method Research and Consulting, through a face-to-face survey of 1,010 people representing Turkey’s urban population over the age of 15. made. The study, in which all 12 regions in the classification of statistical regional units of Turkey are represented, also includes 7 geographical regions.

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