
US Visa Administrative Process; Famous Yellow Paper :)

When we applied for a US Visa, we had never heard of administrative action.. We found out when at the consulate they handed us a yellow piece of paper with Administrative Processing written on it.. It was sad but we wouldn’t be sad if we had gone prepared, we could even be happy. We wanted to write this article so that you would not be upset if they handed you this paper.. Think about it, the huge US Consulate did not reject your visa, it subjects you to Administrative Procedure, all America is mobilized, they say what should we do and give this friend a visa.. Maybe we are exaggerating a bit, but it is not a lie, this is exactly the case, you will agree when you read what we wrote.

By the way, we have explained all the processes related to the US Visa Application here .


What is the US Visa Administrative Process?

The examination of the records in order to clarify who you are is called administrative action, another name for the administrative process is Name Check. Administrative action can be taken for both immigrant and non-immigrant visa types. To explain the process here in a little more detail; If your name is similar to a name in the blacklist, is it a similarity or is it really you on the blacklist, we can explain it as checking it.. Look, you can understand from here, if you are not the person on the blacklist, it means you have received the visa as a result of the administrative procedure.. I mean, if they won’t, why bother, everything else is okay, your US visa will be issued when the administrative process is over.. Of course, if you are not the person on the blacklist that is, if you have a situation such as technology crime, terrorism, etc., they should not give it anyway.

Why Administrative Action Is Taken?

Assuming that you have not been involved in a major crime in the past, if you have been subjected to administrative action, the problem will be solved. you need to call in your name. Yes Name is very important for US visa, I am very lucky in this regard! I have a pretty common name. When I search my name and surname on Google, 12,200,000 results come up, for example, Ecem’s 137,000, you think.. Football players, mayors (yes, there is more than one ), MPs, actors, singers and everything else.. Of course, there are not only good things, there are also terrorists, smugglers, that is, there are dozens of people with the same name and surname as me on the blacklist.. If you have a frequently used name and surname combination, you can also see administrative action.. There is no such thing, the problem is that these names are too many. For example, there are thousands of Mehmet Turks and there is a high probability of being subject to administrative action, but Mehmet Insectoglu saves my surname.. What is the lesson we can take from this? Of course, giving your child a distinctive name.

How Long Does the Administrative Process Take?

It took 5 and a half months for me, but there are also 1 months and more than 1 year waiting. I mean, America, who realized in 5 and a half months that I am not a terrorist or something, is walking around saying that I am a super power, what can I say?.

When they hand you the yellow paper saying that administrative action will be taken, they make an interesting statement that it will take at least 3 months, but it may take even shorter; so they say don’t bother us for 3 months. In short, it’s all up to your luck.. Still, it’s not like giving hope, but if there is no tension between Turkey and the USA or an extreme situation such as Covid-19 or something, administrative action takes a maximum of 2 months.

Administrative Processes

Now, as I said above, administrative processing time depends on your luck, but the process will be the same in any case.. Let me explain my own process in order;

  • The officer who made the visa process gave us the yellow paper and dismissed us saying that this is not a bad thing, the details to be taken administrative action are written here, if you do not understand, you can ask the officer at the door.
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  • We went to the officer at the door, he said, tomorrow you will receive an e-mail and you will be asked to fill in a form, you will fill it out and send it, then the administrative process will begin.. Of course, we still did not understand, so we asked is our visa approved or not now, it is not clear, when the administrative process is finished, you will receive an email again. If it is approved, you will be asked to send your passport.
  • We submitted our application to >queried here and it showed up as Refused directly. By the way, we applied on March 6, the same day, the system was entered as follows.
  • The next day I received an e-mail, but Ecem did not receive anything.. The officer at the consulate spoke as if we were both going to undergo administrative proceedings, and when we looked, both of our visas looked Refused, as in the picture you see above.. Since we understood that the subject was from the name and Ecem did not receive any mail, we never questioned it.
  • There was a Supplemental Question Form in the mail as a word file.. There were general questions about the mother, father and other family members, the countries I have been to before, the addresses of my residence, etc.. I filled and sent the form and we started waiting.. In the meantime, we receive a reply that the Supplemental Question Form has arrived, that is, if we do not receive such an e-mail, know that there is a problem.
  • Even though we are told that we will receive an e-mail when the administrative process is finished, we could not stand it and check here from time to time. We did, but it was always the same for almost 3 months.. When we checked towards the end of May, we noticed that the Case Last Updated field was updated to May 22.. From here, we realized that our procedures were progressing and we started to wait again.
  • On August 3, we received an e-mail stating that the administrative process was completed and your US Visa was approved.. We shipped the passports the very next day.. You have to send it by PTT, there is no different cargo or courier. You don’t even have the chance to say I will deliver it by hand.
  • The cargo reached the US Consulate on 7 August and our application was updated as Administrative Processing on 11 August.
  • veee happy ending 13 On the evening of August, a cargo message came from PTT, when we checked, we saw the happy table below..
  • Within 2 days, we received our passports with the US Visa printed.. By the way, on my visa there is an expression as Clearance Received and it is dated. I think I’ve been acquitted for the period up to the date here but if someone with a similar name to me is blacklisted after this date, I will again face administrative action when I want to renew my visa.. This is a certain thing, I have such a name that a long list will be formed in 10 years..

The administrative procedures are the same for all types of immigrant and non-immigrant visas, you will also go through these stages no matter which visa you are applying for.

The article was a bit long, but when it happened to us; We searched for answers to questions such as What is the US Visa Administrative Process? How long does the US Visa Administrative Process take?. Unfortunately, we could not find clear and reassuring information.. While writing our article, our aim is that if what happened to us happens to you, you can read this article and wait for the administrative action process without worrying too much.

If you have anything to ask, you can use the comments section or You can reach us via our instagram account >@ciktikyolacom. By the way, don’t forget to follow our account..

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