


Antalya is one of the most favorite cities when it comes to holidays in Turkey.. 5-star all-inclusive accommodation options (although not our style), warm sea, beaches, ancient cities and waterfalls offer its visitors beautiful options.. But the first thing that comes to our mind is the waterfalls of our childhood.. All of us definitely have a picture taken in front of any waterfall in Antalya as a family.. Therefore, if we say Antalya is the place where children first meet the waterfall.. Years passed, we grew up, we got married, and before we got involved with family and children, our road fell back to Antalya .

Here are the waterfalls that have settled in our childhood memories, surrounded by Taurus on one side and the deep blue sea on the other:

Manavgat Waterfall

Manavgat 3 km away from the district, the waterfall is the world’s largest waterfall. It is the most well-known waterfall of Antalya, roaring over the Manavgat river, one of the long underground streams, flowing and bubbling with all its enthusiasm. When we say Waterfall, we immediately think of an imposing natural beauty flowing from meters above, while Manavgat waterfall only falls from a 4 meter high cliff.. You can sit in this natural formation surrounded by trees, watch the view and have your meal against the white foams that the water creates as it falls from 4 meters.. Or, like the locals, you can come here and experience fishing as you grab your fishing rod.. You can come by your private vehicle or you can easily reach the minibus departing from the center of Manavgat.

Düden Waterfall

Another tourist attraction and must-see waterfall of Antalya is Düden.. As soon as we came across the Duden waterfall, we felt like we had entered a garden from heaven.. Düden waterfall is one of the rare places where we can’t get enough of the color of green and the clarity of the water.. The waterfall flowing from a height of 20 meters fascinates us and other visitors.. It extends for 9 km and flows like a waterfall from the travertine cliff at a height of 50 meters to Lara beach.. You can reach the waterfall, which is 7 km from Antalya center, by minibus or buses.

Kursunlu Waterfall

A nature to rest your soul among the pine trees in the valley and a waterfall pouring right in front of you. Although Kurşunlu is not as sensual as Manavgat and Düden, it is one of the must-see waterfalls, pouring 18 meters in 33 hectares, with 3,000 tourists visiting it daily.. The waterfall, which was turned into a park and opened to visitors in 1986, has been decreasing gradually due to the increase in greenhouses and the use of drilling water by the farmers in recent years.. It is 18 km from Alanya.. Transportation can be provided by your car or by city bus.

SummaryArticle NameŞelalelerDescriptionWhen it comes to holiday in Turkey, Antalya is one of the most favorite cities.. 5-star all-inclusive accommodation options (although it is not our style), warm sea, beaches, ancient cities and waterfalls offer its visitors beautiful options.. But the first thing that comes to our mind is the waterfalls of our childhood.. All of us definitely have a family picture taken in front of any waterfall in Antalya. Therefore, we can say that Antalya is the place where children first meet the waterfall..

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