
Waya Lailai Island: Naboro Village

I woke up this morning on another island in

Fiji. I was in Kuata Island yesterday. Today, I am in Naboro Village on Waya Lailai Island, where I am staying with the Fijian natives.. It is raining again and there was a heavy rain at 4 am tonight, just like yesterday.. Since the soil is warm and sandy, it must absorb all the rainwater.. Otherwise, the village must be flooded with all that rain water.

Children are getting ready to go to school, Milie, Vilie, Api. While their mother, Salu, made pancakes and is preparing breakfast, hundreds of houseflies are flying in the kitchen of the house.. It amazes me that there are so many flies on the island.

Yesterday afternoon, we filled the boats and waited for Awesome Adventures Boat to arrive in the sea for half an hour.. An albino Fijian boy with yellowish-white hair shimmering in the sun and lots of brown freckles on his face was driving our motorboat.. After the big boat arrived, they went to the big boat to leave the island, and the guests going to Waya Lailai Resort also filled my boat.. Tea was served at Waya Lailai Resort’s restaurant. He introduced him to Sorby’s father and Api, who also worked as the resort’s head chef.. In the evening, after work, we took a fast 10-minute motorboat ride to Naboro Village, where I will stay.

Naboro Village

I’m planning to stay here for 2 nights, but maybe I could stay even longer, but due to the rainy weather it seems difficult for me to stay in this village for a long time.. I will pay 25 FJ$ per night and agreed to pay 20$ per night if I stay 5 days. The house consists of 3 rooms, it looks like Ana and Niko’s house in Viseisei Village, but it is quite clean compared to it.

A very simple toilet and shower made of metal sheets are located outside.. When I first came home, the children at the table set on the floor in the kitchen, which was illuminated by the gas lamp, were drinking the tea in the zinc bowls with a spoon and eating the round breads dipped in coconut milk.. For the first time in my life, I started to drink my tea from a bowl with a spoon and eat the delicious bread.. In the wooden cabinet next to us, a cute light-colored mouse was spying on us.. Sorby told me she was going to make canned tuna pasta.

Milie, 12-year-old, very curious and talkative, with short hair and hard to tell gender from her face, has very good English.. He was asking so many questions that I had a hard time answering all of them in my English.

Since there was no electricity in the house where I was staying, Milie and I took my laptop and went to a house with a generator and plugged it in to charge, because. However, when we arrived at this house, we had to wait for a while because the people at home had an evening prayer ceremony.

The tuna pasta in my dinner was rather bland.. After getting acquainted with the kerosene lamp, conversation and information about village life, I fell asleep at around 11:00 am in a new real Fijian village on a new island.

Day 277: Fiji:9, Waya Lailai, Naboro Village Day 2 , 7 April 2011

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