
Wayuu Natives

It is possible to see the Wayuu Indians, who generally live in Colombia’s La Guajira state, in the west of Venezuela.. But I can say that their main center is in Colombia.. The regions where these natives live have either a desert or semi-desert climate.. Living here is very difficult for people who are used to normal city life.. Because there is always electricity and water problem. They partially solve the electricity with solar energy, but water is a bit of a problem.. In the town of Cabo De Le Vella, where I spent 2 days, not a single drop of rain has fallen in 4 years.. In the same way, they say that the rain that falls once a year in the village of Nazareth did not even wet the ground.. In fact, water is drawn from the soil in almost every region, but because it is close to the sea, salt water and fresh water mix under the ground, so sometimes they say that the water is not drinkable.. In this region, where I spent a week in total, taking a shower was always a problem.. Come on, you can buy drinking water from the grocery store, but taking a shower with salt water is a bit of a problem.. Fortunately, in the village of Nazareth, where I stayed for 3 days, the water I washed from the well was not salty.. Even though there are flies and small insects in the well water, at least because it is fresh water, this situation can be tolerated.

Because the Wayuu natives live in both Colombia and Venezuela They can travel between these two countries without a passport.. Although men dress in the normal modern way, it is still possible to see women in colorful traditional clothes.. The most important feature of the wayuu locals is their extremely colorful clothes and also colorful hand-knitted bags.. If women do not do any other work and only knit bags, they can finish a bag in a week.. The prices of the bags vary between 15 and 60 USD depending on their quality.. Like most other locals, they make a living from this kind of hand-knit work.. In addition, men are engaged in fishing and animal husbandry.. I said livestock, but since the climatic conditions are very difficult, only one goat grows in the region.. For this reason, it is possible to see goats everywhere.. The desert climate, on the other hand, does not allow to grow anything in the soil.

I have no negative memories with the Wayuu Indians I spent a week with.. In fact, among the locals I’ve ever been to, it was only these locals who constantly said “When will you come again?”. In that sense, I can also say that they are extremely friendly.

The thing that caught my attention the most among Wayuu natives was that there were a lot of old people.. When I ask the average age of death they say 85-90. While visiting the houses in the villages, I met two brothers aged 100 and 104. You can watch in the video below. Although I couldn’t believe it at first because they looked so healthy, when I talked to other people in the villages they said it was real.. They even said that there is another 120-year-old woman, perfectly healthy, in the houses above the village.. I wanted to visit but I couldn’t see it because he went to Venezuela for 1-2 weeks.

Like other natives, Wayuu Indians have interesting traditions. For example, during the first menstrual period, girls are placed in a single room with 4 sides closed and stay here alone until the end of their menstrual period.. Only her mother can bring her food and beverage needs, and she can only meet with her mother during this period.. Of course, when he says food, the things he can eat are also very limited.. Can’t eat meat, anything sugary and salty. As long as it stays in the room, oats and turtle meat are the main food source.. They can also drink the flower tea made from water and corn.. His hair is cut short like men’s hair. When her period ends and she returns to her home, all the clothes she wore until that day are thrown away and replaced with new ones.. When he comes back to his house because he hasn’t eaten much for a long time, whatever he says is not done. + Turtles live for many years, and girls who eat turtle meat during this period also feel young in their old age.. He’s like 30 if he’s 50, 60 if he’s 80.

Those things are hard to believe, but some of the women I met in the village confirmed this.. For example, Mariana, whose photo you see below with her children, is 55 years old and has 7 children.. The youngest is one year old.. I ask if it’s normal to give birth at 54 and she says “it’s normal for us”. I can’t say anything because I don’t know about these issues, but some of my followers said that long-lived women can give birth even at the age of 60.. In this sense, the oldest and healthy people among the locals I have visited so far were Wayuu natives.. I said is there anything you do special, what do you eat, what do you drink, but there is nothing they do extra.. They say we only eat natural. Goat and fish meat in general, which I understand from nature.

I said desert climate. The weather is extremely hot during the day. There’s no way you can stand in the sun. Women also make a mask from the migoraja plant to protect their faces from this sun.. A black mask as you can see in the photo below. It is possible to see this in many women.

Marriage events are a bit complicated. The male partner must give at least 200 goats, approximately USD 1,000 in cash, and a gold necklace to the woman’s mother to buy a daughter.. This custom is still seen in villages, although not so much in families who have come to a modern life.. Another strange aspect of the matter is that people with money can fulfill these wishes and marry dozens of women.. There is even a man in the town of Urubia who has over 100 children and about 20 wives, they said.. They said, but everyone I see in general is monogamous.

They believe in evangelism, catholic or Christianity in general, and it is possible to see churches in villages.. But as far as I understand, I can’t say that they are very religious.. There are schools in the villages for the education of children.. For university education, some young people go to Venezuela, while others study in the nearest city center.

Again, as with all indigenous children, Wayuu children are extremely cute.. You know, children are cute anyway, but these locals are another good one.. Also, when you are a foreigner, they show more interest and concern.. I don’t know, maybe that’s why they seem so sweet to me 🙂

Transportation to the village of Nazareth, known as the center of the locals, is very complicated. Since more than half of the way is desert, you have to go by jeep or pick-up.. It is not clear when, on which day, at what time the car will leave.. it totally depends on your luck. It takes an average of 8-9 hours to go from the nearest city center to the village.. You went to the village, you can’t come back any day you want. Because whatever day the car will turn, you have to obey them.. If one of you wants to come here, he has to spare at least 1 week.. Or you will find a guide with a jeep and you will travel at your own discretion.. Its cost is an average of 800 USD. While I was only in Nazareth village, I got a guide to visit the houses and go to the desert area.. Because they wouldn’t let go without a guide. After that, I went everywhere by my own means, mingling with the locals.. In the video below, you can see all the details such as where I stayed, how I traveled, what I ate, what I drank.

The Wayuu natives, who do not live in such primitive conditions, attracted me with their warm blood.. In case you come to La Guajira state, I say visit these villages as well.. Of course, if you have a week to spare for this job.

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