
We closed an era

We will return to the moment we started with the suitcases by handing the rental car to the port officials.. We are making our final preparations in the car, where we open the doors and windows, in Vathi, where we arrived in a shorter time than we expected from Psili Ammos Beach, where we left hurriedly for fear of being late.

The beach is a buffet to wash our salty faces with our sandy feet. I’m in search of. Eren and Evrim decide to wait in the car, curled to the right, under the influence of the heat.. I walk as I walk, as two different kiosks nearby are closed due to the effect of Sunday.

The people sitting in the cafes on the route I walk, while sipping their frappes, are looking at me, almost half naked, walking in the desert, strangely.

What I found when I had given up hope. I fill the ice-cold water in 1.5-liter bottles from the kiosk into the bag and go back the same way.. After my commute, which lasted for about 20 minutes, Eren and Evrim must have given up hope on me that they went to another dimension in the heat.

We spend the last minutes in the car to get the car by washing our hands and making the remaining water a shield against the heat.

After a short while, the officer who came with a small engine took a quick look at what is written in the vehicle contract and sees if there is any missing or damage.. When he realizes that nothing is wrong, he takes the key from us and wishes him a good trip. and in the middle of the sun.

We sit on the concrete benches at the bottom of the sea near the customs house with our bags and water and wait for the time to pass. people who are known to work in the organization draw our attention. While trying to understand what the team observing the seashore with their orange t-shirts is doing, the color of the job comes to light after a while, with Evrim’s efforts. We understand that she is there.

While we are looking at the seal with curiosity, I start a conversation with the girl on duty, who is dangling her feet from high to the sea, with the fire of Evrim’s question “How are you a journalist?” I am very surprised when I say that the psychology of the seal, which has been seen on the shores of Samos for a month, is broken and that it lies on the shores without giving normal reactions.. With the knowledge that the name of Izmir’s Foça district comes from Mediterranean seals, we greet and leave in the conversation that I did not hesitate to advertise Turkey.. After sharing what I learned with Eren and Evrim, we continue to watch the meaningless movements of the seal.

The queue in front of the customs building for the ferry, which has not yet opened, is also quite a short time before the ferry will depart at 5 o’clock. getting longer. While the Turkish tourist caravan waits for the Greek customs officers in panic and excitement, the carefree officials are slowly coming towards the building.

When we compare the customs buildings of Kuşadası and Samos, the modern structure and appearance of both buildings represent two different worlds.. While the Greek customs building looks as old and neglected as possible, the building in Kuşadası summarizes Turkey’s development in recent years.

After taking one last look at the sick seal under the heat, we head to the door to do our customs procedures.. We stamp our return stamp among the crowd and enter the Greek duty free shop.. When we see that 1 liter Yeni Rakı, which is around 17.5 euros on the Turkish side, is sold here for 32 euros in a double package, we make our shopping by saying that snow is snow. While buying raki, the other Yeni Rakı in the double package is also sent to my father as a gift.

After getting on the ferry, which is getting ready for departure, we imagine that we can sleep on the ferry after the tiredness of the day spent running, walking and swimming all day long.

While Evrim is the most unstable in terms of sleep, we immortalize Evrim’s sleep with Eren’s tongue thrusts.

While we were looking for different alternatives for actions to pass the time on the return journey, we searched for my father when we entered Turkish territorial waters and found out where they were. I’m asking.

As a result of the traffic accident on the İzmir-Aydın highway and the heavy rain, they could hardly move forward in traffic, because the eucalyptus overturned at the Ephesus junction. Saying that they had to go to Samos, my father states that they are at least half an hour away.

The ordeal of entering Turkey

Bomb after bomb with its negative energy in the first minute of our trip to Samos. We started to look for ways out when we learned that Eren, who detonated the gun, could not enter Turkey because he did not have a Turkish identity card while he was leaving the Turkish customs with a French passport.

If our plans work, Eren, who spent 90 days in Turkey with a French passport, will be able to re-enter Turkey after exiting. We will activate our plan B, which has no time.

While we are struggling with the questions of how do we get in under the sun accompanied by the rain that started with our descent from the ferry, will my fathers catch up? Since they have not yet arrived in Kusadasi, we watch from afar how everyone on the ferry is doing their customs clearance.

After everyone has cleared customs, Eren, Evrim and I stay in the customs area.

The fact that my fathers have not arrived yet and Eren’ While we are waiting to not leave I alone, Eren wants to try his luck by turning to the passport police with the French passport in his hand.. She hands her passport to the female police officer, leaving us behind as spectators.. We are relieved when Eren, who received the answer that he can enter by presenting his Turkish identity document because it has exceeded 90 days in Turkey, says that his ID is on the way and will wait for a while. .

The only thing now is that Eren’s Republic of Turkey identity document reaches Kuşadası.. After waiting another 5-10 minutes, my mother calls. He asks where Eren entered Kuşadası Harbor with his identity and where we are waiting.. I tell my mother that I am waiting in the area opened by the automatic door and bring the ID there.. After waiting for a while, I go back to the passport control point with Eren’s ID.

Eren is officially entering Turkey.. We all take a deep breath.

In Samos, which we left behind in the scorching heat of the sun, we are officially back in Kusadasi with so many memories in a short time.

The three full months pass almost every weekend. I think we are coming to the end of our travels where we say hello to a new memory on another route…

Travel is at the top of the list of things to do to get to know a person.. Traveling with someone to see their habits, water, behaviors, sleep, eating and drinking habits closely gives important awareness. Even though we can’t come to an agreement, it is emotional to face the end of an era…

Hope to meet in new travel destinations with the unity of “non-fake” and sustainable moments…

…It’s DONE…

First part of the article: False Travel

Second part of the article: Siesta in Samos

The third part of the article: Kokkari and Potami

The fourth part of the article:  The night that makes you forget the bracelet

The fifth part of the article: Pythagoras or Pythagoras?

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