
What are the Documents Required While Boarding the Plane?

Glorious days! Our topic today is “required documents when boarding the plane” Actually, no such document is required either But it is a fact that flights create tension on everyone.

I don’t know if it’s because of the extreme control of airports Even though I’ve been to more than 50 countries and have made hundreds of flights, I’m not nervous either. That’s why I wanted to list the documents you need to have ready before your flight clearly.

Years and Years Ago While Boarding Ryaniar in Italy /  At that time, I didn’t know the required documents when boarding the plane either

Documents Required for International Flights

It is necessary to divide the air travel into two headings in general terms. Because different documents may be required when boarding a plane abroad and domestically. Now, first of all, I’ll start with what documents you need if you have an international flight.

1st Passport

First of all, you need a passport! No one knows this. But let me tell you, relax yourself. But it should also be valid As you know, in 2022, passport fees went up and everyone is using it with scarce validity.

For the stages and types of issuing passports, you can check here.

Here it is / I Have Both Green and Claret Red Passports! / Those Who Are Wondering How It Happened, Click Here!

2.Boarding Pass

It would be more correct to say “Boarding Pass”, but I mentioned it in English as it is a technical word.. You can’t board the plane without your boarding pass! So how do we get this card?

In short, you need to do a Chech-in, you can do this at the airport kiosk, toll booths or online.. As a result, you will have a card or an A4 printout written by the seat on the plane, that’s what you need! Now, direct mobile versions of this are also accepted, but not everywhere, be careful!

3.Overseas Departure Fee

This is actually a required document when going abroad, after all, without this You can’t go on the plane! That’s why I said it The price for 2022 continues as 50 liras. Purchase steps, etc., who want details, etc., can get information about the international exit fee stamp from here.

4. Travel Health Insurance

With the coronavirus pandemic, you now need to have a valid travel health insurance for “covid-19” when going abroad. This is one of the health insurance entry requirements for entry to most countries.

5. Coronavirus Test Result and Vaccination Certificate

With the year 2022, some countries may request a coronavirus negative pcr test result during the Coronavirus period.

*I recommend you to check the required documents when going abroad during the coronavirus process!

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Required Documents for Domestic Flights

Let’s come to our domestic flights These flights are the best, almost no documents needed!

1st ID Card or Driver’s License

Yes, only the population we need your wallet. I think you bought one of those new ID cards with chips?

Don’t worry, you can travel with old IDs. You can even get on a plane with your official driver’s license.

2.Boarding Pass

The boarding pass I mentioned above for abroad is valid here as well. I’m not explaining at length again But get this! Don’t get confused with the seat number on it…

In this way, we have actually completed the necessary things for boarding, but there are some questions, what are they?

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3. HES Code

Within the scope of coronavirus measures As of 2022, it is obligatory to obtain a HES Code for domestic flights.

If you haven’t bought your ticket yet, you will need to enter this code when you buy it.

Ministry’s Guide on Hes Code

Can I Board a Plane with Photoless ID?

There is only one left I don’t know if you believe it But I think you should have a photo ID. Acceptable only for those under the age of 15.

At least if you don’t have a photo on your ID, have another photo ID with the same name and tc number so you can match and show them together.

Can Board Without ID ?

“Well, I don’t even have an ID, Görkem!” In case I lost the flights before…

Yes, you have a chance, you can get on the plane without an ID, but it’s a bit of a painstaking process, that’s why I wrote a separate article. Those who want to learn how to get on a plane without an ID can review my article here.. (coming soon!)

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In this way, I have explained the necessary documents when boarding the plane. These documents will get you through the door of the plane and sit in your seat if your destination is abroad, it will not let you in from the country there! So if you’re going abroad, check the required documents in detail here, and don’t get confused…

If you have any questions, I’m waiting for you in the comment section, you can always ask, I answer all of them with pleasure, love!

Continued: My Passport Control Tips!

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