
What are the hostel facilities, is it possible to cook?

Hotels offer a different accommodation experience in every aspect.. The biggest part of this difference is the facilities that hostels have and the “hostel activities” that everyone is curious about, and I have something to say to those who say I can cook my own food… I continue to tell about hostels with my experiences, come with me

What Facilities Are There?

Hotels offer many extra facilities compared to ordinary hotels. Chief among these is the kitchen.. Thanks to the kitchen, we can cook our own meals, even if we shop at the local markets of the country we go to, we don’t mind it.

In addition, in the common areas of the hostel, you can rest, nap, read or read a book, as if you were sitting at home. we can also play games. Most hostels have simple card games and board games. Some may even have table tennis and a pool

The best thing about these common areas and activities is that we will not be alone in any of them.

The Decorative Environment of the Hostel I Stayed in Argentina

What are the Hostel Activities?

Hotels are generally thought of as a social environment.. We meet people and chat in hostels. While sharing information with people from various cultures, we also have the chance to participate in joint activities with them.

As the hostels know this, they can offer us a direct program In the hostel I stayed in Cambodia, everyone gathers at 7 pm and plays water polo ! Think of a hostel where there is a water polo event in the pool in the evening…. If more than one traveler is exploring a city, I think she will enjoy it to the fullest.

The Pool of the Hostel I Stayed in Argentina It Takes Some Heart To Enter

Cooking at a Hostel

Abroad The item we spend the most money on is food expenses.. If we want to travel for longer periods and travel more economically, it is very important that we can cook our own meals.

This is exactly what hostels are for! Whether you make soup or pasta in the kitchen in the hostel, it’s entirely up to you.. You can also try the local products of the place, there is no such thing as we will eat every meal in the restaurant.

Cute Open Kitchen and Barbecue Section of the Hostel I Stayed in Kaş

Using the Kitchen in the Hostel


We’re going to cook at the hostel… there are some things we need to pay attention to here too.

First of all, the kitchen in the hostel is for everyone who stays. So we need to use it knowingly, without disturbing people. Sometimes we need to use the kitchen in the hostel. 2-3 people can be cooking at the same time on the stove. It is necessary to help other people and be sharing.. The use of all kinds of forks, spoons, plates and pots is free in the hostels.. You only have to wash your dishes after you’re done!

Almaty Streets / My Trip to Kazakhstan

Is a refrigerator in common?

The subject of refrigerator was very interesting to me at first Refrigerator use is also common in the hostel.. In general, everyone puts their own materials in a bag and writes their names on it.. If you do not write, you may not find it in place.. Because anonymous things in hostel refrigerators are generally perceived as open for public use.

Don’t be surprised if you see a pen on the refrigerator!

A Glory is on the Road in Trieste, Italy

Does Every Hostel Have a Kitchen ?

Pay attention to this too! Because not every hostel has a kitchen. Some have it, but it’s open during limited hours.. You should be very careful when booking a hostel, take a look at my article for what to consider when booking a hostel.

My article ends here, although it seems like a very detailed topic, most of you wonder about this. I know you did and it’s not written anywhere. That’s why I wanted to clarify. Check here for everything you’re looking for about hostels That’s all from me, have a nice trip !

Continuation of Article: Hostel What’s His Life Like? About Hostel Culture


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