
What is Seasickness and How to Prevent it?

Is there anyone here who gets sick after getting on the ship or boat? No need to be ashamed everyone is seasick. It keeps everyone seasick but in different conditions. While some of us are more sensitive, some of us are more resistant or used to it.. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, shy about, or make you feel weak and powerless.. Seasickness is a form of motion sickness.. If you have a healthy vestibular system when you get on a car, train, gondola, boat, boat, or any device that moves or swings out of your control, you’re more likely to suffer from motion sickness.

What is Seasickness?

Seasickness or motion sickness, in other words, is the reaction of our body when we do not see anything moving when we look around, because our inner ear is in a constant sense of movement and the two data do not match.. That’s why we feel less when we’re on deck or looking at the horizon, more when we’re in the boat, less when we’re driving, and more when we’re sitting in the back of the car.. Seasickness is not just nausea. Seasickness may manifest as nausea in some people, excessive sleepiness in others, and insomnia in others.. It is normal for all of us to react differently because our bodies are different.

Sickness in History

Seasickness has existed since the very beginning of human history. In Ancient Greece and Ancient China, researches were started against seasickness before Christ.. Since the Greeks were a nation that was close to the sea, they figured out that seasickness was caused by a mental state and that the ancient sailors suffered less from it due to habit and experience.. They found solutions such as a light diet, herbal teas, and wine mixed with wormwood.. These counter-Chinese, on the other hand, came up with extreme solutions such as drinking the urine of young men, collecting water from bamboo, hiding hearth ash in the hair.. Whatever your solution is, it shows that humanity has been suffering from the same problems for thousands of years, maybe even much earlier.. Historical characters such as Julus Caesar, Christopher Columbus, Darwin and even Lawrance of Arabia suffered from the disease called sea plague in ancient Greece.

How to Prevent Seasickness

There are many methods to prevent seasickness. These are

  • Looking at the horizon
  • Sitting on deck
  • Eating light
  • No alcohol
  • Ginger to consume.

In addition to these, there are pills that prevent seasickness, wristbands, and neck bands.. Although the natural methods I have listed above are not always the definitive solution, it would be better to prefer a solution such as a wristband or band.

You can find a video of me suffering from seasickness here…

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