
What is the History of Cappadocia? Information About Cappadocia History

The history of Cappadocia goes back to approximately 3,000 BC.. It is known that Assyrian colonies and Hittites lived on this region, which has many states and societies in its long history.. If we want to examine the history of this region in three main periods; We can categorize the first period as Paleolithic, neolithic and ancient period, the second period as Roman and Byzantine period and the last period Turkish period.

Human settlement in the Cappadocia region dates back to the Paleolithic period.. These lands, where the Hittites lived in the previous periods, became one of the most important centers of Christianity in the later periods.. The Christian people, fleeing from the pressure of the Roman Empire, turned the rocks they carved into as shelters by using them as houses and churches.

The written history of the Cappadocia region begins with the Hittites. Silk Road, it has been a shelter for many trade colonies throughout history and has become a commercial and social bridge between countries.

12 BC.. With the collapse of the Hittite Empire in the 16th century, the Hittite Kings, who had the influence of Assyria and Phrygia in the region, established a dominance that would last for 6 centuries, but BC.. This domination ends with the Persian occupation in the 6th century.

The word Cappadocia means “Land of Beautiful Horses” in Persian language.. M. HE. With the defeat of the Persians by Alexander the Great in 332, a great resistance begins in this region and this resistance causes the establishment of the Kingdom of Cappadocia, but M.. HE. 3. Towards the end of the century, the Roman Empire began to feel its power in the region.. M. HE. one. By the middle of the century, the Kings of Cappadocia came to power or were dethroned by the orders of the Roman generals.. MS. With the death of the last King of Cappadocia in 17, this region has now become a Roman province.

A.D.. 3. With the arrival of Christians in the region in the 19th century, Cappadocia became a center of education and thought, but the pressure applied to Christians between 303 and 308 increased significantly.. On the other hand, this region is an ideal place to protect from oppression and to spread Christian ideas.. The Christian people living in the region against the increasing pressure of the Romans carved deep valleys and soft volcanic rocks to create a safe area against the Roman soldiers, creating a shelter inside.

4. In the 19th century, the period called “Fathers of Cappadocia” begins in Cappadocia.. The event that brought the importance of the region to its peak in this period was the 3rd. Occurs when Leon bans icons. As a result of this new sasak, some pro-icon people took refuge in the region and started the Iconoclasm movement that will last 117 years.. The development process of the Cappadocian monasteries coincides with this period.

The Arab raids that started in the same period cause the styles of the churches in the region to change.. 11th. and 12. By the 19th century, Cappadocia is now under the rule of the Seljuks, and as a result of the population exchange between 1924 and 1926, the last remaining Christians in the region leave the region.

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