
What is Written on the Bird Rock Monument?, Is there an entrance fee?

I first saw the Bird Rock Monument photo when a friend went. How had I missed the Bird Rock Monument? And when he came back from his new Black Sea trip. Three years after I saw the photograph, I can go to see these magnificent stone carvings, which are the only Road Monument in Anatolia from the time of the Roman Empire.. How did I go? What did I expect? What did I find? Let’s go to the article.

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Bird Rock Road Monument Story

First, let’s take a look at the Bird Rock Road Memorial story. Who did it? Why did he do it?

After serving as Commander of the Eastern Provinces Construction Army (Legion) during the reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius Claudius Cermanicus (AD 41-54), he registered in Bithynia on life condition -It is the highway resting place and monument in Amasra, built by Gaius Julius Aquilla, who was appointed to the Pontus Governorate.. Wow dude! There was probably a fountain here at one time, but it was destroyed.. Below this monument, the place known as Askersuyu has been used as a spring for many years.. It is unknown to whom the relief without a normal human-sized head in the niche belongs. there are two possibilities. One is Emperor Claudius, the other is Aquilla, who built the road.. There is also an eagle figure here, which is truly legendary.. It represents the unlimited power of the Legions.. The traces of another similar but much simpler monument belonging to the Roman period can also be seen on Savrankaya Hill, which overlooks Amasra.. I didn’t have this information when I went there. Here is the reason to go to Amasra for the third time.

While researching information about the Bird Rock Road Monument, Necdet Sakaoğlu‘s Three of Amasra’s I came across the book The Millennium and got this information.. Well written.

What Is Written on the Bird Rock Monument?

What Is Written on the Bird Rock Monument? I think this is what I am most curious about.. Bird Rock Road Monument consists of a headless human figure relief carved on the rocks, a Roman eagle figure symbolizing domination, and two inscriptions.. The first of the inscriptions is on the plate above the niche framing the human relief, and the other is on the other side of the rock away from the reliefs.. Here, I wonder what is written in these inscriptions.

In the name of peace and friendship between states and in memory of Emperor Germanicus’ domination, Gaius Julius split Aquila mountain and built this resting place with his own special allowance. . In other words, just like the writings in the charity that we come across on the road these days.. Time has passed, but the traditions in Anatolia seem to have always remained the same.

While reading information about the Bird Rock Road Monument, here is the

I see it’s called strong>Bird Rock Road Monument Rock Tombs but this information is completely wrong. As stated in many sources, this place was a recreational facility of ancient times.. It’s not a grave. Since we are used to such tombs in Anatolia, I think many people call it a grave immediately.. I didn’t think that way until I researched and learned.. Now what is the Bird Rock Road Monument and what is written on the Bird Rock Road Monument? now let’s see where it was and how we got there.

The Bird Rock Road Monument Where?

The Bird Rock Road Monument is located on the Bartın-Amasra old road, 4 km from Amasra. Only 4 km.. You can even go on foot, this was a trekking route as an Ancient Roman road.. I owe the fact that I went to Amasra and did not see this place before, to the fact that I went on a tour.. Why did Bahar give up the tours? These are the answers to the question.

You can come from the center of Amasra by using the minibuses of Amasra Travel, or of course you can arrive by your own vehicle. Those who like to walk can also come on foot.. What is 4 km for us For those who are considering hiking here, I have found the following information: The ancient road coming here from Amasra center was divided during the construction of the tunnel road.. You can reach Kemerdere Bridge in Cevizlik Valley, 1 kilometer down the Roman Road that passes in front of the monument.

Kuş Kayası Yol Anıtsı Directions

We learned the location of Kuş Kayası Road Monument How to Get to the Bird Rock Road Monument Now let’s look at this. Kus Kayası Yol Anıtsı directions are given in the Turkish Culture Portal as follows: Bartın – Amasra Highway Turn left at Taşköprü Mevkii. After passing the villages of Kaman and Kazpınar, you reach the Air Force Command Escape Training Center on the hill.. The monument is on the left after descending 700-800 meters from the hill towards Amasra.

We passed here from Bartın Güzelcehisar Basalt Columns. You can find that article here. I wrote to the navigation on a Sunday. Bartın traffic, which we did not enter on Sunday, remained, and nothing else, but it took it all the way to the navigation gate.. On the way from the main road, there is a road that suddenly turns left. I saw the sign at the last moment and came back. It was a complete accident.

There is also a sign at the point where the navigation says you have come. On one side of the road is a stall selling natural products and tea.. It was late evening when we went and there were very few cars.. I don’t know if this is always the case but I was able to easily find a parking space for the car.. While waiting for a place on the road, I see stairs going up from the side of the road.. Zero research as usual. It makes me feel like I’m discovering first. I know the name of the place I’m going to, I don’t know anything else. You are reading this article right now because you did not do that.. Good reading

Does Bird Rock Entry Fee?

As I said, because I didn’t do any research, Does Bird Rock Entry Fee? i don’t know. When I get there, I learn that; No Bird Rock Road Monument entrance fee. The good news. Now it’s time to climb these stairs and find the monument.

When to Go to Bird Rock Road Monument?

When to go to Bird Rock? In which season can you go to Kuş Kayası? If you ask; I think you can visit the Bird Rock Road Monument in any season. There is no clock at the entrance because there is no attendant. Whatever your mood pleases or your time suits…

Bird Rock

October and autumn are the months of the year, and she meticulously performs all her art.. The yellowing leaves on the wooden steps have fallen so beautifully… As I climb the steps, I see resting places with picnic tables.. We come across people resting or even having a picnic here.. Great setting in the trees. They laugh at me when I say “off”. The stairs to the Bird Rock Monument are a bit steep. I guess we went a little too fast, I’m out of breath. There are exactly 162 stairs. Not much, but not enough to make me give up.. We were already up in a very short time, about 5 minutes.

When the stairs were finished and the trees were apart, I saw the master of my heart.. Since it is evening, the sun sets on the opposite side and the sun shines so brightly on the Bird Rock Monument that you can’t match it if you try.. We finally got rid of the backlight that didn’t show us the sun all day. Hooray.

Lift up your majesty, look, you’ll fall backwards. Thank God we have wide-angle phones, we don’t have any problems with photography.. The place that used to be a fountain is broken. According to them, this place has had its share of treasure hunters.. I believe a lot in the energy of places like this.. It’s like meditation for me. While I’m climbing and hugging the rocks, my companion takes pictures of me in Çilem.. I gave my back to the monument. The sun warms me and I see a wonderful view before me. I’ve been waiting for this moment for three years. Did he say? More than enough…

There is not much to see around the monument.. what you see in the photo. You can go a little further to the right from the stairs.. The other inscription is there. They blocked the road and banned the march. If I had time, if I didn’t jump that fence and dive into the forest, I wouldn’t be Bahar, but oh then…. He is not one of us who goes to Amasra and does not see it. I’m leaving here with these feelings. It will be enough to spend a maximum of half an hour here if everything is normal, although it will change with your style of photographing and the crowd you will encounter there.. You can adjust your itinerary accordingly.. Of course, you can catch the empty tables between the stairs in the trees and spend your meal time here.. Enjoy your…

Bird Rock Road Monument Accommodation

Bird Rock Road Monument is not a place where you can stay. Nearest hotel and pension in the vicinity is in Amasra. Doesn’t look very suitable for camping.. You can’t go upstairs with that much camping gear.. If you go out, the front of the monument is already narrow.. They’ve already blocked the way to the forest. Downstairs on the road, whizzing cars pass by. Already a flat area parking lot where a single tent can be set up. Cars are parked there too.. So what I’m saying is that we need to look for another place to camp.. We have limited space.

Places to Visit in Amasra

The city of princes Amasra is really worth seeing. Fatih Sultan Mehmet’s “Lala Lala! Could this be Çeşm-i Cihan (the precious of the world)?” the city he admired from the first moment and took it without a fight. Didn’t want this beautiful city to be damaged. The ancient name of the city is Sesamos, which means “sesame land”.. B.C. 3. The city was named after Amastris, the female leader who ruled Amasra at that time.. In the Ottoman period, its name began to be called Amasra.. It is thought that there were also Genoese at one time.. There has always been a life here for centuries and it still bears traces of them.

Bakacak Hill: As I wrote before, this is my second visit to Amasra.. When I first arrived, while we were watching the city from Bakacak Hill’, the daily sunny weather was covered with fog and we could not see anything.. This time I intend but I’m looking at a navigation, a clock. If we go there, we won’t be able to see the city.. We’re doing a vote and we’re back on the road. Another tick was placed on the reason for coming to Amasra.. It is the most beautiful place to see Amasra from the top.. You must go. Sometimes things are not good for me, I insist…. We keep moving in the traffic that starts before entering the city.. To find a place to put the car, we have to take a few laps in the same place, take some wrong roads, go a little crazy. Finally, we run straight to the city as we throw ourselves into a parking lot.. Even the parking lot is surprised at what happened.. I was screaming “no time” and running at the same time. Hey reader, sometimes it’s really hard to travel. We paid 10 TL for the parking lot (October 2020), I don’t know how many hours we stayed, but definitely not an hour.

Grand Harbor: First we run to Grand Harbor. When I first came, this sand was completely covered with a blue boat.. If I can find a photo I will post it.. The beach is empty now. The boats are further away. Here’s a short tour and photo, and my hoop powerbank is in the water.. Get well soon. Al Fatiha for your soul. There are generally hotels and hostels on the Grand Harbor side.

Peace Stream Statue: We walk from the beach to the park where the Peace Stream Statue is located. Oh boy how early did you go. This makes us a little sad.

Amasra Bazaar: That road leads to the small Amasra Bazaar. Souvenir shops, music playing from right to left, a nice crowd, the slow lighting of the evening, the Turkish delight served… I loved it before, I loved it again.

Kemere Bridge:

The Bazaar takes us to the Historical Kemere Bridge. Even on the road, we are walking to the delicious music of street musicians.. It’s like I’m on the island of Rhodes. There I passed through the historical gate accompanied by street musicians.. A single-arch Roman Bridge built in the 9th century AD connects two landmasses. We sit there for a while and listen to the street musician. When you pass through the historical door and go to the opposite side, look at the hole above it.. They used to watch from there when the doors were closed.. Taking the photo on the bridge does not give very good results.. You can get a better result if you go up the hill that sees the bridge from the front and pull it out.. That’s what I’ll do next time I go.

As you climb up, you will come across unique handmade souvenirs.. You’re going to have to hold back so hard not to get it.. do not hold. Will we be born again? Climbing up a gentle slope, you will reach Boztepe, a wonderful view point overlooking the Somagir neighborhood and Rabbit Island. There are places to drink tea here.

The house famous for its pots: Every street of Amasra is like a separate work of art. Such delightful people live that every home owner has displayed his own creativity.. Some decorated its door, some decorated its balcony.. This house, which is famous for its flower pots and even featured in a famous magazine, is on a side street just before crossing the Kemere Bridge.. Whoever you ask. He planted flowers in whatever he could get his hands on.. It was also very nice.

What to Eat in Amasra?

We’ve had our fill of the view, now it’s time to fill our stomachs. We’re getting back to you quickly. Our goal is to buy some wonderful Turkish delights before the shops close.. Then there are the delicious fish and the legendary salads that I ate when I came before and I couldn’t forget.

Little Harbor: Fish restaurants are listed in what they call Little Harbor. If you are going to eat something like pita, they are lined up side by side in the back streets.. There are usually price lists in front of the restaurants, but you can still bargain.. They definitely give discounts. We were crazy about eating fish. When we can’t find a place in the very famous restaurant, we say “Oh my God” and ask the others for the price.. An uncle so kindly turned us away from the road that we return to him. I think we packed a lot. Thanks. We enjoy the sunset as we order our fish and salad. Indeed, I think we fell on all fours and the restaurant is the most beautiful sunset viewing point, as the name suggests.

Delicious fresh fish, famous salad and homemade yoghurt dessert with honey and delicious tea…. let’s go. for what you drink. Even if I didn’t go to the road, I would still drink tea anyway…. All this costs 50 TL per person.. It was sweet, sweet uncle’s treat to us. And that’s over.

As we were running to hit the Istanbul road, our parking lot was waving behind us.. We had a nice person waving a hand.. If Amasra is this beautiful, we will come more.

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  • Our time in Amasra was enough for these. You add Amasra Castle, Amasra Museum, Bakacak Hill, Direklikaya and Genoa Castle as I said before, to your route. The city will be all in one small full day.

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