
What to Eat in Bali | Bali Food and Drink Guide

Bali also offers flavors that we are not used to taste because of its geographical location.. As a tropical island, they grow very interesting and exotic fruits, and they consume them for breakfast.. I take the mango and melon varieties aside, the most preferred ones are Papaya, Pisang mini bananas, Salak covered with a hard skin like a snake skin, and Duren, which is yellow with interesting thorny skins.. I have tasted most of these writings; however, since very sweet and aromatic flavors do not appeal to me much, I liked the types such as melon, mango and papaya that I am relatively used to.. Fruits are really important in island life, they are sold in many places.. You can taste it easily.

Duren fruit

Do not stay in luxury hotels As long as you don’t expect much cheese and tomato options for your breakfasts; There are not many options even in big hotels anyway.. I can recommend that those who cannot do without cheese take cream cheeses like Pınar Beyaz with them.. But of course, the higher the service quality of your hotel, the wider the breakfast alternatives.. You can find American breakfast options such as pancakes, pancakes and eggs; Of course, very spicy or raw fish mixes are also served for the Asian population.. The food varieties are also a mixture of Malay, Indian and Indonesian cuisines.. You can taste the main varieties in the island’s restaurant-style buffets called ‘Warung’. Breakfast at ‘s Organic Restaurant

Balinese cuisine

The varieties that are called ‘must’ in Balinese cuisine are as follows: ‘Satay’ or ‘Sate Lilit’, in which meat, fish or chicken patties are grilled with Satay sauce, prepared with coconut and spices as if a garbage bottle is inserted, with a mixture of vegetables and very spicy, sometimes with meat. ‘Nasi Campur’ and ‘Nasi ayam’, traditional Balinese rice served with ‘Nasi Campur’ and ‘Nasi ayam’, fried rice type, ‘Nasi Goreng’ prepared with scrambled egg, vegetable mix, meat, chicken or seafood with sweet-sour or hot sauce.. If you love street flavors, you can try all of them in warungs, but since we are not used to such intense spice scents, it is a separate option to try them in your hotels.

Some nutmeg

While you’re in Bali, don’t come back without trying the island’s special Luwak coffee. Considered one of the most expensive coffees in the world, Luwak is a kind of coffee we drink thanks to the Civet cats (Kopi Luwak in Balinese) living on the island.. I told his story in my first Bali article, you can read it here.

Luwak coffee

Well, when the holiday is on the island Seafood dishes are also gaining importance.. Jimbaran, the center of fish derivatives in Bali. During your trip, you can choose one of the restaurants on the Jimbaran beach and enjoy dinner at the tables on the sand.. The touristic side of this event is to catch the sunset at the dinner table, so it is necessary to settle at the table by 17.00.. Afterwards, it’s very appealing to literally gorge on seafood and pay very small amounts.

Jimbaran Seafood Cafes , Photo: Hotels.com

Honeymoon in Bali may involve serene activities, but while you’re here, you can’t miss one of the most beautiful bars on the island! Rock Bar Bali provides service in Ayana Resorts & Spa, where we also stay.. You pass by a vehicle like a cable car to the bar built on a large rock on the shore of Ayana.. The hotel has priority for its own customers, guests coming from outside wait a bit and pass.. Their cocktails are really delicious; but the joke here is to watch the sunset from here again.

I can find all my notes and photos about Bali by clicking the #journavelbali tag on my Instagram account . you can see. Waiting for your messages for all other questions! Have a great holiday in advance!

Rock Bar Bali, Jimbaran

Nice Transport Guide

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