
Where is Mount Nemrut National Park?

Mount Nemrut was the easternmost point of my small-scale tour of Turkey.. Mount Nemrut sunset and sunrise I don’t know which to choose but sunrise was more of a possibility. When I think of Mount Nemrut, the first thing that comes to mind was its famous sculptures. The Mountain of the Gods, 2,150 meters high, draws me in like bees fly into the water. I think everyone who has watched Atiye recently wanted to go there.. Where is Nemrut Mountain National Park in the article? How to get to Nemrut, you will find the legend of Mount Nemrut and my road experiences. For example, I did not know that there are two separate roads to Nemrut.. Let’s write…

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Where is Mount Nemrut National Park? In which province is Mount Nemrut? In Which Region Is Mount Nemrut?

Mount Nemrut is located in the Kahta district of Adıyaman, around the Ankar Mountains, in the Taurus Mountain range. Mount Nemrut is located in our Southeastern Anatolia region.. strong> It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987 and a year later it became Nemrut Mountain National Park and was taken under protection.. The statues on the summit of Mount Nemrut at an altitude of 2150 meters, the tumulus made by human hands, the tunnels that were thought to be under that tumulus but could not find a door, the Kingdom of Komagene, the legends of Mount Nemrut have made this place a world-famous place.. The location of Mount Nemrut is really special.

About Mount Nemrut

    • Nemrut, a word used to mean cruel, harsh, sullen. According to legends, Mount Nemrut was named after the Babylonian ruler named Nemrut, who threw Abraham into the fire.
    • King of Commagene, Antiochos Theos, had statues of many Persian and Greek gods built next to his own tomb temple. Sculptures bearing traces of both Persian and Greek cultures were made during the time of polytheistic religions.
    • One of the things that makes Mount Nemrut so important and mysterious is the still unexplored underground tunnels
    • Mount Nemrut is an ancient city. The volcano is among the riskiest of the volcanoes that can only be reactivated.
    • Mount Nemrut is both a volcanic mountain, a man-made historical artifact and a natural formation.
    • As the Mountain of the Gods Most of the known places of Nemrut are still inaccessible.
    • It was found by the German Karl Sester during the roadworks around Diyarbakır in 1881.
    • King of all the artifacts on the mountain 1. Inscriptions reveal that it was made under the name of Antiochos. These inscriptions have been prepared for future generations.. On the back of the statues is the 200-line will of the king.. Of course, we can’t see it because we can’t get there.. While giving the task to future kings to beautify this place, he praised those who came for worship and cursed those who came for evil.
  • King 1. The tomb of Antiochos has still not been found.. Since the tumulus cannot be searched without damaging it, it cannot be searched in detail.
  • The first place to see the sun on Mount Nemrut consists of the East Terrace, the altar, the gallery of ancestors and the gallery of gods.. The West Terrace has similar features to the East Terrace, but looks a bit more messy as it has been destroyed.. There are also statues of the gods here.. The statues are placed to greet the sunrise and sunset.
  • The heads of the statues, which were destroyed over time, fell to the ground.. The heads are displayed on the ground in front of whichever statue it belongs to.. The head of the statue was taller than me.
  • Entry is free if you have a museum card.. While museum card can be given from Adıyaman entrance, it cannot be given from Malatya entrance.. Because there is no internet.

When to go to Mount Nemrut?

The roads of Mount Nemrut National Park are open between March and November.. Other times, it was not possible to get out because the roads were closed.. It’s always cold and windy even when the roads are open. We had a wonderful weather. It was July when we went out.

What to Wear When Climbing Mount Nemrut?

Mount Nemrut is 2,150 meters high, so it gets very cold even in summer.. I brought fleeces, vests, and everything else with me just because we were going to Mount Nemrut and it was getting cold, but it was almost never needed.. Don’t take our chances. I always land on all fours. Take whatever you find a fleece jacket with you.. Before Corona, you could buy blankets from Visitor Centers, but now that’s not possible.

How to Get to Mount Nemrut?

How to get to Mount Nemrut? I did not have the opportunity to research. I asked some of my friends who went there. I remember a few things I’ve read before.. This information; It was that I could drive as far as the Visitor Center, wait in the waiting room there, or even get up in the morning, and then reach the place where we would start walking with the shuttles there.. Then we would climb 800 meters, at least half an hour.

We are in Malatya when we set out to go to Nemrut. I’m typing on the navigation steering wheel. Navigation persistently tries to turn right while driving on the highway in Malatya. I’m not in the first. My companion is sleeping. I’m trying to drive while I’m dealing with headphones etc.. When I say a couple of times, I always miss the road and finally I go to Kadoil gas station and ask for the way.. There was an uncle going that way.. The bride calls after me.

We leave the main road and turn into side roads.. It’s July and the weather is crazy hot. We keep climbing. I can say that we passed through magnificent landscapes. My companion is very scared when uncle stops at a place and comes to us while we are walking behind.. He was sleeping and didn’t know about uncle. After giving us directions, he goes, my navigation was always clear.

We stop at Pütürge exit Karapınar Village while we are on the road.. Uncle has built a hotel on top of a small waterfall with icy waters.. We drink flu tea. Of course I’m jumping into the water like that iron. According to your uncle, I was the second woman to get into that water.. The other was a French. If you pass by Karapınar Village, I would definitely say stop by there to take a rest and have a look at the coldness of the water.

I’m going to the car to change since I jumped into the pool with shorts and a t-shirt.. Meanwhile, we are chatting with someone from the village.. Turns out we were 19 km away from Nemrut National Park.. We had thought of a sunrise and we were going sightseeing for it. I’m looking at a clock, a kilometer, and I’m taking my travel mate right away and stepping on the gas for the sunset. This was never in the account, but why not? Both sunset and sunrise. Long live then.

2 h. 21 min. (107.4 km) Via Kahta Sincik Road

2 hours. 42 min. (124.8 km) via Adıyaman Çelikhan Road

2 hr. 52 min. (152.2 km) Via Malatya Çelikhan Road and Adıyaman Çelikhan Road

I don’t know which road I took.. Those who will go by plane can go to Nemrut from Adıyaman Airport.. 87 km from the city center. If they rent a car from Malatya Airport, they can use the road I use.. Alternatively, you can take a tour after you reach Adıyaman or Malatya.

Nemrut Mountain National Park Malatya Exit

The person I spoke to in Karapınar Village, never let the road go. He said you’d reach the Visitor Center.. He said that you will only walk 100 meters.. I am still unaware that Mount Nemrut has two entrances.. I have memorized it so much that I have to climb that 800 meters for 30 minutes.. I can’t get enough of 100 meters.

We are climbing all the time without knowing where we are going.. He gave me the phone number of someone named Mustafa, but I can’t call.. No phone reception on the road. Finally, as we move forward without knowing where we are going, a building appears between the mountains.. When I park, someone comes running. I introduce myself. They say “we know you’re coming”. It turns out that the brother we talked to in the village called and informed me.. Pointing at the dirt road, they show us the way to go. There’s a chain at the mouth of the road. It is the beginning of the road where you will enter with your museum card and there is a stable 2.5 km road until Nemrut National Park.

Take the first bend wide” they’re literally chasing us to catch the sunset. I’m going towards my dreams on a dirt road. I guess I can’t take the first corner wide enough and my tired warrior poor car can’t get out that dirt road no matter what I do. I’m back at full speed to find another vehicle. My dreams are two steps away but I can’t go. It’s not going to happen.

They watched us from afar. “You didn’t take the wide corner,” says brother Mustafa.. I say “another vehicle”. There is a vehicle of the inspectors who came to inspect the place by coincidence.. You’re stuck in the car, we’re getting into the car for a while. I’m going up that mountain. I will make that sunrise in Nemrut. When I’m locked on the target, I don’t see where I step. We are leaving the dirt road quickly.. I don’t know how I jumped out of the car as soon as the car was parked, how I climbed that 100 meters, how I ran while watching the Tumulus from afar.

Mount Nemrut Sunset- West Terrace

Safety told Mr. Fikret that we will go. they informed. you are welcome. First sight of Mount Nemrut, Tumulus and statues. My feet don’t touch the ground. Meanwhile, my travel friend Ayşe is coming.. We are in trouble with photography. When we can’t get enough of taking pictures, Fikret Bey is officially chasing us.. The day gives west in one second in Nemrut. Good thing she chased it.. Otherwise, we would go up there and miss the sunset.

While I was setting up the tripod and videotaping the sun’s dance with the mountains, my friend Ayşe says; “Take a picture of me in a frame before the damn sun goes down”. I’m bursting with laughter at these words. I’m so used to traveling with a tripod that I didn’t think to take a photo of it.. The day is disappearing really fast behind the mountains. Now we have to find a way to go back because people come from Adıyaman and climb to Nemrut and get in their vehicles on the other side.. Villagers used to go shopping this way.. Those who took us went to their vehicles in Adıyaman.. I’m always comfortable. We find a vehicle when we say, “There is a way, we will walk in the worst way.”. I am watching the mountains with my mouth and ears as I go down in a village minibus accompanied by folk songs.. In the mirror of the village minibus, something made of beads dangles in front of me.. I say to myself “You fell into a documentary again Bahar”. Again life gave more than I expected. Thank you.

Mount Nemrut National Park Malatya Side Visitor Welcome Center

When we go down, Mustafa brothers greet us. The telephone line at the Visitor Welcome Center on the Malatya side is very difficult. Internet is not complete. Turkcell does not exist at all. Therefore, if you do not have a museum card, you cannot issue a museum card.. You have to pay the entrance fee and get out, or you have to prepare your museum card in advance.

The Visitor Center has a gift shop, clean toilets, a waiting room with a TV, a place where you can have tea and coffee.. Since we found ourselves there in haste, we are satisfied with the meals served by Mustafa brothers.. They share their meals, teas, conversations with us.. My only concern is how do I get up for the sunrise. There is no service on the Malatya side that we can go up.. I ask every two minutes. “There will be someone coming up from here, right?” I hope someone will take us. Very few vehicles pass here.. There’s a couple waiting like us. I ask them sometime. Girl says they can’t take us. I say, “If my car doesn’t come out again, brother Mustafa”. He says, “We’ll find your way, don’t worry about it”.

We are in Kahta. “Do you know Mıçı from Kahta?” I say. They were relatives! They say, “Stop, let’s call and sing us a song”. It’s a joke, but a minute later we’re on the phone with Kahtalı Mıcı. We say “Turkish”. When I say “my place is not available” I get a saying “he said my place is tight”. laughter breaks out. It doesn’t take a minute for us to sing a song together saying “I didn’t cook the chicken”. What a strange journey this is.

Before going upstairs, “where can we camp?” we asked. They say “no need for camping. They said, “We will host you inside.”. I choose a place for myself in the seats of the Visitor Center with my sleeping bag.. Before I surrender my tired body to sleep, I turn my head to the illuminated Nemrut on the top of the dark mountains.. All I want is to be able to go up for the sunrise at that moment. It really takes heart to camp in the east. Sarıkız, the words scorpion are flying in the air.

Mount Nemrut Sunrise- East Terrace

We are up again around 4 in the morning. We slept for two hours. They called me forty times, I haven’t heard them. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I slept and missed it, that’s for sure.. Two vehicles passed while I was sleeping.. Both are fully loaded.. There is no vehicle to go up.. I have no choice but to try my own car again.

When I got behind the wheel saying all the prayers I know, I kept saying “take the first corner wide Bahar” I keep saying. We put the car in first gear and hit the road with full throttle shouting and yes I take that bend wide and yes I climb that mountain at the expense of cracking the car. leave the car again. Climb again without looking where you step in Nemrut. Security Fikret is there again. Move the mountain, we climbed inlet to inlet.. He said, “Okay, these are coming.”. Normally there are hundreds of people.. We were on the east side last night. This time we’re watching the mountains from the west. Tall mountains, as yet unexplored tunnels, allegedly aliens’ secret base as you watch the sunrise, and the legendary King of Commagene I.. I’m thinking of the lost tomb of Antiochos. Atiye series comes to my mind. Every now and then I look at the statues. Finally happened. I’ve done everything there is to do here.

When the sun comes up, everyone leaves slowly.. we are here. I can’t tell you how lucky the weather was.. Just because of the cold weather stories here, the car is full of fleece, coats, but I hardly need any.. It’s a joke, but we’re lucky.

    • Let me go to Malatya Visitor Welcome Center so that there is less walking path when I come from Adıyaman If you say, here is the way you should follow. Kahta, Karakuş Hill, Cendere Bridge, Old Kahta Castle, Pınarbaşı, The road leaves from Subaşı Village.. There is a Malatya sign. It comes to Büyüköz neighborhood. After that, there is the Nemrut National Park sign.. After 13 km, you will see the Visitor Welcome Center.. 57 km from Kahta.
    • We took this road in reverse and reached Adıyaman.. The road is winding and rough but not a road to go. Even though I got messages saying “the road is bad, don’t direct people there” after my Instagram post, what bad roads did I see?. village roads at work. It’s broken, but at least it’s asphalt.
    • When you type Nemrut Visitor Welcome Center into Google, two locations appear.. Malatya Entrance at the bottom. The number that came out belongs to the hotel that was demolished.

The Story of Mount Nemrut

Kingdom of Commagene BC. It was founded as an independent state by Mithridates Kalinikos in 162.. He named this new state consisting of Persians, Macedonians and other communities Commagene, which means “community of genes” in Greek.. The people of the region made the name of this kingdom a brand of raw meatballs.. What is the story of Mount Nemrut? still full of unsolved mysteries today. Many legends are circulating, from what the distant ones did to the secret tunnels under the Tumulus but whose doors could not be found. I. Antiochos had the tomb built for himself covered with 30 cubic meters of stone pieces.. The tomb has still not been found.

Places to Visit on Mount Nemrut

When you go to Mount Nemrut, you can’t just visit the summit and the magnificent statues and return, of course.. While you are there, you should see the Karakuş Tray, Cendere Bridge, Arsemia Ancient City and Kahta Castle.. Those coming from Adıyaman can visit after sunrise or before sunset.. Since we entered from Malatya entrance, we were able to see the Mountain completely by walking around.

Karakuş Tumulus

As we climbed to Nemrut from Malatya entrance, Karakuş We skipped the tumulus. We had to go down towards the Adıyaman entrance.. We couldn’t see this place because no one told me.. It will be a good excuse to go again. You must see. It was a mausoleum belonging to the women of the Commagene Kingdom.. It is thought that the tumulus, which is about 20 meters high, is called Karakuş because of the eagle statue on the column to the south of the columns.. There were two 10-meter columns to the east of the tumulus.. One had a bull figure on the other and a lion figure, but only the bull remained today.. He has no head. That’s all I’ve learned from those who left.

Kahta Castle

We arrive at Kahta Castle in a very hot weather after sunrise, quite sleepless.. Kahta Castle bears the traces of three important civilizations such as the Commagene Kingdom, the Roman and the Mamluks period.. There were waterways, cisterns, dungeons, shops, places of worship and large rooms in the castle, but we do not get into it because of the heat and tiredness.. It looks very majestic and beautiful from the outside, too.

The castle does not end in Adıyaman.. We did not go, but if you want to go, other castles are Adıyaman (Hısn-ı Mansur) Castle, New Castle, Gerger Castle, Besni Castle.. If you have time, you can visit the castle by castle.

Ancient City of Arsemia

Actually, the distance between Kahta Castle and Arsemia is 500 meters from the air, but there is no road, so you have to walk around it.. Fikret Bey is waiting for us at the crossroads.. He will guide us in the remaining parts.. Arsemia Ancient City has no entrance fee.. The ancient city, which was the summer residence of the Kingdom of Commagene, makes this place important with its tunnels dug for religion as well as being used as a castle.

They found many ancient ruins in our country, especially in the east, and a German found the inscription here.. Archaeologist F. Karl Dörner When he came here to explore in 1953, he saw one end of the inscription.. As a result of the excavations, a very important inscription was completely unearthed.. However, it was discovered in a tunnel that goes 158 meters deep.

The first image that comes to mind when Arsemia is mentioned is I, who sees himself in God’s presence with Hercules.. Antiochus is the famous handshake scene. This is the statue I want to see.. In fact, there are no other works in the ancient city of Arsemia other than these statues, inscriptions and tunnels.. While Hercules is depicted completely naked as God in this statue, I. Antiochus revealed all his wealth with his cloak and crown.. i loved it so much. It is obvious that we would enjoy it much more if the weather was not so crazy hot and we weren’t so sleepless.. It will be in your best interest if you do not bring it at noon for hot weather and take plenty of water with you.. It is necessary to climb a lot of slopes.

Cendere Bridge

Our next stop after Arsemia is of course Cendere Bridge. It is referred to by different names as Cendere Bridge, Roman Bridge or Septimius Severus Bridge. The most interesting feature of this place is that it was built without using any mortar material. The bridge, which is 7 meters wide, 30 meters high and 120 meters long, was used to connect the two sides at the exit of a canyon.. There are a total of 4 columns on both sides of the bridge and it is understood from the inscriptions above that each column was erected for someone.

People usually come here for picnics.. I, on the other hand, choose to throw myself into the water and cool off to get rid of the heat of Adıyaman.. I go to the middle of the water and let myself go with the flow and spend unique times. Something is happening that really brings me to myself.

Perre Antique City

We wouldn’t be able to go to Perre Antique City, which is 4 km away from the center, right? Perre Antique City entrance fee is 10 TL (2020)


The Ancient City of Perre, one of the five largest cities of the Kingdom of Commagene, known as Me’arath gazza Pörön in ancient sources, and Pirin and Perin in Mesopotamia, It had a geopolitical importance in the past because it was on the road route connecting Istanbul (Malatya) to the capital Samosata (Samsat).

Such says on the website of the Culture Portal. In the ancient Roman period, the beauty of the water was mentioned.. The Roman Fountain, where that water flows, is still used, but I could not see it.. Maybe you can see it and share your experiences with me.. The most important thing you will see in Perre Ancient City will be the carved rock tombs.. Don’t let your eyes look for statues etc.. If you come across very hot weather, be sure to take water with you.. There is a place at the entrance where you can drink water, tea and coffee, but you walk a lot inside.

I saw many places on the way with the legends of Mount Nemrut, adding many more things to it.. While I was only thinking of sunrise in Nemrut, I also did sunset.. I swam in the icy Cendere creek. I saw many historical artifacts. I met very nice people. I’ve never regretted any road I took. If you haven’t seen these places yet, plan them as soon as possible.. Life is still but so and so on, while aliens haven’t invaded the world yet…

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