
Where to go in Jordan? How many days to stay in which city?

Where to go in Jordan? What are the places to visit in Jordan? How many days should be allocated to which city in Jordan ? These will be your 3 most difficult questions.. Do not worry. Now I will tell you how many days in which city you should stay in Jordan, in order and even as a route.. This is the route completely tailored to my plans and expectations. You can either stay in the city I mentioned for 1 more day or do not stop by.

Where is Jordan : Our Jordan Trip Route-1 Weekly. For those who say where to go in Jordan

Places to Visit in Jordan

You can enter the country from 2 points. Either from Aqaba or Amman. Since we entered from Amman with Pegasus, I will be describing the Amman-Aqaba route. Whether you start from the north or from the south.

Ma’in Hot Spring Hotel-Oludeniz : Places To Visit In Jordan. For those who are wondering where to go in Jordan

  • 1 day : Visit Amman (Half day) and Jerash (Half day) in the north.
  • 1 day : Madaba-Mount Nebo-Evanshotspa enough for. They’re all side by side anyway.
  • 1 day : Take Baptism area-Oludeniz-Valley Mujib tour.
  • 1 day : Do Karak Castle and Wadi Dana on the road. Move to Petra in the evening
  • 1 day : Stay in Full Petra. Witness the moment when Petra is illuminated with candles in the evenings. But remember. It’s always money. Only day-night Entrance tickets to Petra will cost you 300 TL. But it’s worth. Up to every penny.
  • 1 day or half day : Make Wadi Rum. If you can, definitely stay in the desert.. Travel the desert with a 4*4 during the day. No such pleasure. No such sight. Still on my mind…
  • 1 day : Do Aqaba. If you are a diver in Aqaba, spare 1 more day.

Right now, I have already made a 7-day Jordan plan for you.. Increase it to 8 or reduce it to 5.. The choice is yours. But now I’m going to give you a few more lists.. Let’s go over it so I can fully explain why you need to go to these cities.

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Why Go To These Cities In Jordan?

Which city in Jordan to go to? go ? How to go to which city and why ? Let me explain :

Amman : Jordan’s capital. You will have to see the chaotic structure of the city, its roofless earth-colored buildings that make you feel like in the Middle East, its narrow streets, its markets, historical artifacts from the Roman period and Jordan’s city life atmosphere to experience it.

Amman Landscape-Places To Visit In Jordan. Jordan Capital. For those wondering where to go in Jordan

Jerash : There are huge cities in this region from the Roman period.. Especially frequented by history lovers. 30 minutes from Amman. You can go for a day trip and return to Amman.

Madaba : The city with the highest number of Christian citizens in Jordan. In particular, the church of St. George and the structure with one of the oldest mosaics in the world should be seen.. The map found on this mosaic is significant as it is the first Christian map depicting Biblical Palestine.

The famous city of Madaba mosaic :Places to Visit in Jordan. For those who ask where to go in Jordan

Mount Nebo: According to the Torah, it is very valuable because it is known as the place where Prophet Moses saw the promised holy land.. In fact, it is considered sacred because it is known as the mountain where the Prophet Moses died in these lands.

From Mount Nebo, where you can see the region from a bird’s eye view, you can see Ölüdeniz on your left diagonal and Palestine on your right diagonally. you’ll feel weird.

Evanshotspa: Actually, this is a hotel. But it is set in such a place that you feel like you are in a movie.. Imagine a lush valley located in a region where there is nothing but soil.

Imagine thermal waters flowing from the slopes of this valley and you are swimming in warm water while looking at that view.. I would go again just to see that moment again and to relive my feelings while watching it with admiration.

Baptism Area : Why will you come here ? Let me tell. This is the Israeli border. Hz. where Jesus was baptized. That’s why it’s such a valuable place.. You will be witnessing the baptism of little children, especially in blood.. There will be a distance of only 4-5 meters from Israel.

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Oludeniz (Lut Lake) : It is 400 meters below sea level and also has a salt level of around 30% (3% in the Mediterranean Sea). In addition to being a place with a salt level at the level of the sea, the most important feature is that it has a spiritual weight because it is known that the people of Lut were destroyed in this sea. its color will be exactly 9 times more colorful than the color of a normal sea. But because of the excessive salt, no living thing can survive.

Vadi Mujib : Do you like trekkin? If you like it the address will be Vadi Mujib. The track will take 4 hours.. The most beautiful stones I’ve ever seen were in this valley. You must have a waterproof bag before you go. You will get pretty wet.

Kerak Castle : A castle built in 1140. It was built for the protection of Christian soldiers during the Crusades.. It is still very well preserved today.. You will pay 1 Dinar for entry and you will explore the castle in approximately 1 hour.

Wadi Dana : Known as one of the best places to trek. It lies between Kerak fortress and Petra. we didn’t go. But I thought I’d point out that maybe you can go.

Petra : I actually write for pages. Top places to visit in Jordan. But I’m saving it for the Petra Travel Guide. You will need to set aside at least 1 day. This is BC.. In addition to its history dating back to the 4th century, the capital of the most important merchants of the period, namely the Nabataeans.

One of the most beautiful canyons I have ever seen.. You will be traveling both day and night.. Do not worry. I will explain this in detail in Petra Travel Notes. But still, you can get information about Petra from Wikipedia Petra

Wadi Rum : Moon valley. After being a region with 4,000 years of rock paintings and 12,000 years old, that sunset, the lamb we ate at the hotel in the desert is tandoori, I would go again even for the tea I drank by the fire in the middle of the desert in the evening.. Write this place down in gold letters.

Wadi Mujib Jordan : Places To Visit In Jordan. For those who are wondering where to go in Jordan.

Aqaba : Jordan attracts many tourists not only with its deserts and historical values, but also with its underwater beauties.. Aqaba is about 1 hour away from Wadi Rum and is one of the most important touristic spots to visit in Jordan and the only gate to the sea in the south of the country.

The event of Aqaba is its underwater beauties.. Don’t expect anything else. If you are a snorkeler or scuba diver, you will love it.. Finally, for all the detailed information about Jordan, please see my Jordan Travel Guide.

You can make plans by looking at my articles about Jordan :
Jordan Travel Guide
Eating and Drinking Guide in Jordan
Travel Guide in Jordan
54. Preparing For My Country Jordan
Hospitality in Jordanlama

For those who will ask me where to go in Jordan These are my recommendations for places to visit in Jordan that I have prepared.. I hope you will like Jordan, one of the countries with the most beautiful landforms I have ever seen, and experience the beauties I have seen.

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