
Which Venue Should I Tip More When I Go?

Actually, tip has no time or place restrictions, so why tip? Because people who are wealthy or famous sometimes want to increase the quality of the service provided.. In addition, while some people want the employees to take care of themselves more, some people do this to show off.. Sometimes he likes the service provided and pays an additional amount to the employees as a sign of courtesy in order to respect the effort.. Although little does not have a legal dimension, it becomes a kind of reward in return for the services of the employees over time.. Especially in hotels, the attendant who shows the room looks like he will not go even if you fire him at the door of the room, it is an indication that the culture of tipping has become widespread.

What is a tip?

The dictionary meaning of the word

Tip; hotel, accommodation, restaurant, cafe, nightclubs etc. It is a kind of service thanks paid in addition to the fee for the services rendered in areas such as service areas.. Its synonyms are known as aziq and caize.. So is a tip necessary? If we look at the subject for our country, it may seem like an economic benefit if we think that the employees in the service sector are also married in line with the salaries given from the base price of the minimum wage.. After all, most of those working in the service sector are individuals in need.. It is necessary to both increase the quality of service and reward the working individuals.. Considering whether the tip is good or bad, it is permissible for employees to have an extra expectation from the people they serve.. When it does not find what it hopes for, it may reduce its service quality next time.. If the employees work for a full salary, they may not have this expectation.. Because the amount of each tip is not the same.. Sometimes a small amount of dishonorable amount can discourage working people, so if it is permissible, at least a cup of coffee based on a mid-level cafe would be very appreciated.

The History of Tip and Its Place in Our Country

Even though it is said that the tip is of American origin, it is actually 17. It is seen that there are applications in England in the century.. According to a report published in the New York Tribune, 17. In the 19th century, customers who came to pubs or taverns received better service thanks to the permissiveness they left in the tip box.. The tip boxes had inscriptions meant to ensure punctuality.. This tradition, which is a guarantee of faster service, quickly found its way across Europe.. This provision increases the quality of the service with the provision.. In our country, most workplaces do not charge service fees, but they leave the decision to the customer.. It is necessary to tip of ten percent of the bill in a normal restaurant, and leave an amount of between fifteen and twenty percent in a slightly expensive restaurant as permissible.. Even though these are not written rules, it is necessary to comply with the service etiquette.. Tips are a must in weddings in our country.. In most bridal carriages, permissible envelopes are kept ready for distribution to young people and children.. In addition to the agreed price for the musicians at the weddings, they give the tip in advance to get better service for the visitors or to have the music played and sung.. It has become a tradition. However, in the researches, the permissible fee paid in restaurants is between six and seven percent.. People who are generous at weddings often ignore tips in restaurants.. In fact, it is a payment as a thank you for the poor service, even if it is to improve the quality of the service provided, but not giving a tip when the quality of the service is bad means to criticize the service.. When tipping is not given, he/she should understand and tidy up the criticism of the service to his/her own business.. Employees in that service should know that when it is given, it means a warning as well as a reward when it is not given, they should understand this, the owner or manager of the workplace should follow the issue and solve the problem.. Otherwise, each example of dissatisfaction will return as loss of prestige, loss of customers, and loss of earnings.. Employees are also given a sign that they will come back to that workplace, just as they are tipped and rewarded for satisfaction as a result.. When the customer potential becomes ossified in this way and the satisfaction turns into a recommendation, it can increase the profit and increase the prestige.. Customer satisfaction is a lot to a business and it will come to that business.

Where Should We Tip ???. In a way, it is to ensure that the hearts of those in the service sector that we do not know, show their interest at the familiar level.. In the place where we receive service, if the owner of the place provides the service, an additional ration may not be required, or if the people providing the service are close people such as friends, tipping to familiar people is somewhat unwelcome.. Although it is not written, we talked about the rules of the tip..

Tips are neither generous nor stingy. It is the survival of the generally accepted in the world.. Tips can be given to any employee whose work we respect in the service industry.. For example; apprentice in barbershop, apprentice in tire repair. To the waiter in the restaurant. We should give tips to the valet in the parking lot, etc., both to strengthen the communication that is not there and to increase the moral motivation of the employees.. We should talk about the importance of tipping to our relatives, if we think that the society is a whole and that all individuals need each other, tipping is a kind of cooperation.. Especially in difficult times in the world, individuals in the service sector have been working non-stop and have provided the continuation of production and have not disrupted the services..

Despite all the risks, the efforts of the service sector, which works devotedly, cannot be ignored, and let’s not forget the tip, which is their right.. Let’s not forget the workers who take bread to their homes with tips, parents who give their children pocket money on the way to school, fathers who buy three or five extra things for their children, mothers who buy food and diapers for their babies.. Let’s not forget that every individual is a human being, even in the service sector, by being aware of the facts in the society, that they have needs and that a tip is a side income because they don’t get much in the workplace..

In short, so to speak, it is a tool for the moral motivation of individuals working in the service sector for their working environment.. Although it is not seen in the service sector, its continuity is ensured with these employees.. In other words, the capital of the workplace is nothing without the service, and the quality of the service can be measured by the tip.. For continuity of service, gratuities must be between ten percent and twenty percent on a certain amount purchased at work.. As a result, when we look at the world in general, we should voluntarily add the tip, which is the service fee, to the invoices, considering the efforts of all the world’s workers working in the service sector as a low income group, without neglecting their efforts, without forgetting their food rights, without forgetting their food rights.

Especially the middle-income group and the upper-income group should never forget this issue, the quality of the services will increase in proportion to the value we give to the laborers who work as members of the society.. Economically prosperous individuals create successful, self-confident societies. Service sector employees who deserve to receive a tip are the wagon that connects the society to the locomotive rather than being a part of the society.. In every service we receive, we should empathize with the individuals who serve and show the necessary care.

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