
Who Is The Green Passport Issued To?

With the green passport, which is one of the easiest ways to travel between countries, you can easily enter the contracted countries.. People with green passports always attract attention and encounter great attention and service wherever they go.. People who want to take advantage of these advantages try to provide the necessary conditions to have this passport.. When we search for Who is given a green passport, the first thing we come across is of course the condition of being a public officer.. We will go into this topic in more detail below..

Who Gets Green Passport?

When you enter a foreign country with a green passport, they don’t ask you too many questions.. Because they think that you are a person closely related to politics, and they will see you off as much as possible.. It is a great advantage for everyone to have this passport, which you will not easily wait in line for.. In order to have this passport and benefit from the privileges, you must meet certain conditions.. In the next part of our article, we will go into the details of the question of who can get a green passport.

Generally, green passports are given to people who have served as public officials, have retired, or are former bureaucrats.. Its details are as follows.

  • 2. and 3. Civil servants who have a degree title:

As it is understood from here, this title is not given to new civil servants.. Persons who have served as a civil servant for a certain period of time and who have been promoted to a level can benefit from the advantages of this passport.. As you know in the civil service, the highest level is 1. is a step. The first to start the profession is generally 13.. they start from level. However, it may vary depending on whether these people have a master’s degree, whether they have a relationship with the military or how many years they have graduated from schools.

  • Former members of the Parliament:
    • Deputies who use black passports during their term of office can have a green passport if they wish after completing their duties.. Thus, even if they do not have the privileges of a black passport, they continue to benefit from the advantages of a green passport.

      • For former ministers:

      Again with deputies Ministers who have the same privileges use black passports during their duties.. At the end of their term of office, they can have a green passport if they wish.. All they have to do is apply for a green passport.

      • To retired civil servants or other public employees:

      All Of course, civil servants cannot. Staff degree before retirement is still 1, 2. and 3. civil servants with a degree can benefit from this right. If they are at different levels, they cannot have this passport in any way.

      • Mayors of metropolitan provinces and districts:

      during their term of office They can benefit from these rights instantly by applying for a green passport at any time.. Unfortunately, they can’t have this passport after their term of office expires.

      • Retired mayors:

      The most important thing we have come across in this regard. The important condition is 1 before retiring.. must be a civil servant. These people, who also have a green passport during their duty, can still benefit from the advantages of the passport after the expiry of their term.

      • For State Athletes:

      Athletes who have achieved success in any branch and have received the title of state athlete can benefit from the advantages of the green passport.. Athletes and wrestlers can usually get state sportsman status.

      • Employees of Halkbank, Ziraat Bank or Vakıfbank:

      As it is known, these banks has undergone a privatization process. Persons working in these banks before the privatization process are also given this passport if they qualify to have a green passport before this stage.

      • For semi-private, semi-government organizations:

      People working in organizations that are 51% owned by the state can benefit from this right.. The thing that is different from the others here is that SGK requires the condition of being connected to the pension fund.. In addition, people who continue their business within the framework of the labor law numbered 4603 can have this passport.

      • For Lawyers with 15 years of seniority:

      2019 In the Official Gazette published in October, it became law to give green passports to lawyers who have completed their 15-year working period.. In order for lawyers to benefit from this passport, it will be required that they do not interfere with any investigation or prosecution for the crimes specified in the Turkish Penal Code and the crimes under the Anti-Terror Law.

      • Other:

      Unemployed but still pensions 1, 2. and 3. If people who are paid according to their degree declare that this money is deposited in the pension fund, they are also given the right to a green passport..

      • People who are interested in export business:

      Green passport is given to people who meet certain conditions in export with the decision of the Council of Ministers on 22.03.2017 (yet considered new). ruled. Some of these conditions are as follows.

      – To the representatives of companies that have exported an average of $ 1 million annually for the last 3 years, 2 units,

      – 3 units to companies that have exported between 25-50 million dollars on average in the last 3 years, ,

      – Representatives of companies that have made an average of $100 million in exports in the last 3 years are given 5 of these passports.. In addition, those who are convicted of crimes such as theft, bribery or fraud, who deal with things that shake or damage the integrity of the state, except for some crimes, cannot benefit from this passport.

      To whom the green passport is given If you want to have a comfortable circulation while traveling between countries, we recommend you to have this passport.. You can immediately understand the difference between your experience with a normal passport and your experience with a green passport.

      For more information and more detailed information, we recommend you to read our article titled “Green Passport”.

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