
Why is Vienna the World’s Most Livable City?

While I was studying poetry in class with my students, we came to the part of Imagine a city that will positively affect human life, based on the questions in the book.. Students began to list the characteristics of the cities they imagined, respectively.. While the students were listing the features of the city they dreamed of one after the other, I thought of a city I had the chance to visit recently: Vienna.. I myself told my students about the characteristics of a city that can be lived through this historical city and that will have a positive impact on people.

If you try to search for the most livable cities in the world on the internet, it has been at the top of the list for the last ten years. You will see that Vienna is located. Vienna has managed to maintain this title by staying at the top, especially in the last seven years.. So how did this city retain its title? Why is Vienna the most liveable city in the world? What features make this city special? In this article, I will try to mention in detail the points that make Vienna special with my 20 days of experience and observations…

What are the Features that Make Vienna the Most Livable City?

1) Europe’s Cleanest Tap Water

Water; Our elders said that it is civilization, it is life, it is life.. Vienna is a city that does justice to this promise.. The natural spring water in the Alps began to be transported to the city with the water channels that were opened in 1873 and are now 130 km in length.. In 1910, the city’s water needs began to be met with a 180 km canal.. In other words, with these channels, the foundations of which were laid 150 years ago, clean water in the Alps flows from the taps of the Viennese at 6-10 degrees today, using completely natural methods without the use of any electric motor. filling your glass. In addition, with the fountains at approximately 900 points in Vienna, people in the city can benefit from this water even on the streets.. So all they have to do is actually carry a container with them.. With the analyzes made, it is registered every year that this water is the cleanest drinking water in Europe.. Finally, let’s say that the water delivered to the houses by natural methods also saves 65 million kWh of electricity annually.. The first secret of why it is a livable city is actually in its water.

2) Ease of Transportation Makes You Jealous

Is there any other city in the world that is so comfortable and easy to reach? I do not know. Vienna has a comfortable transport network. Wherever you are in the city, it is possible to come across a metro or tram stop within a few minutes.. I don’t think there is a point in the city where you can’t go with the transportation vehicles that are connected like a spider web.. The turnstile system that we are used to in our country is definitely not here.. You can get on and off the metro, trams and buses as you wish without any turnstiles.. Subscription card checks are also carried out by civil servants.. I think these officers come across an ordinary Viennese a few times a year and ask them to show their subscription cards.

3) 1,346 km Bicycle Path

One of the important criteria of a civilized city. one is bike lanes. Even if Vienna is not a big city, the length of the bike paths is approximately 1,300 km.. Think about it, the bike paths have wrapped the city like a spider web.. With the advantage of being quite wide and flat in the city, it is possible to use bicycles and scooters on these roads very easily.. For this reason, you can see plenty of people who use bicycles in the city.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a bicycle, because you can rent a bicycle at 121 points of the city and deliver it at another point.. Likewise, it is possible to find electric scooters at every street corner.

4) This City Open Air Museum

In Vienna, one of the most historical cities in the world, you actually throw it away. every step is a journey into history. There are hundreds of museums in the city, in the fields of culture, technology, nature and history.. Although many of these museums are paid, the city is almost like an open-air museum.. Every tour you take will take you on a journey into history.. Historical buildings, streets, fountains, statues etc.. It is possible to observe the structures completely free of charge.

If I were to list the museums that you should definitely visit in the city, I would like to move on to the next item, since this article will not be able to end.

5) Palace Gardens that you will visit with admiration


There are many world-famous palaces that have an important place in the history of Vienna.. Palaces such as Schönbrunn, Belvedere and Hofburg receive millions of tourists throughout the year, but I would like to draw attention to a different point and discuss their gardens rather than these palaces.. Especially after the 17th century, when the first important steps were taken regarding the garden of Schönbrunn Palace, the order of the garden began to be recognized by the whole world.. In the garden of the palace, which has a huge area, many ornaments, landscapes, labyrinths, walking areas and sculptures that will fascinate you attract attention.. You can visit these places for hours for free and I bet you can fall in love.. Likewise, although smaller, the garden of the Belvedere Palace has a very beautiful composition.. What can I say, if I lived in this city, I’m almost certain that most of my time would be spent in these gardens..

6) Inclusion of Disabled and Elderly People in City Life

Although it is sad that our disabled and elderly citizens adapt to daily life and appear on the streets in Istanbul, we must admit that it is a difficult situation. situation. However, one of the things that caught my attention the most during my travels in Vienna is that I came across many disabled people, especially on the streets.. No, of course, I am not saying that the disabled population is very large! What I want to say is that the city has provided a suitable living environment for the disabled and the elderly.. The fact that these citizens can easily participate in daily life is enough to reveal the point Vienna has reached.

7) The City’s Historic Buildings and the Layout of the Streets

Another remarkable point that draws attention in Vienna and minimizes the negativities of city life is that the city planning is almost perfect.. When you stop at a crossroad and take a 360-degree look around, the neat view of the streets will fascinate you.. In addition, the wide use of streets as pavements, bicycles, trams and vehicle roads made me jealous and upset as an Istanbulite.. The buildings were built with such a perfect order that no building is an inch behind or ahead.. On top of that, the fact that the buildings are historical monuments in many parts of the city creates a visual feast.

⇒ Places to Visit in Vienna ⇐

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