
World Famous Festivals and Carnivals

I’m always late to buy tickets when I want to go to a festival.. The reason is that the questions such as where and when the World Famous Festivals & Carnivals are held and which should I give priority to in the World’s Most Famous Festivals are not clear in my mind.. Now I’m putting this problem aside!

In this article, I am publishing the festivals you want to go to the most, which you shared with me on the question I asked under a photo of me on Instagram, specifying the country, city and time.. So we had lots of fun, lots of colorful festivals! Prepare the costumes..

You will see one or more names for each festival! You are the ones who put these festivals in the corner of dreams and shared this dream with me! This article was inspired by your dreams, thank you!

1 – Venice Carnival (Zeynep, Nadiye, Fatma, Gül, Aslı)

Every year < This carnival, which takes place in Venice, one of the most touristic cities of Italy, in January, February, March, is full of fun, where people in colorful costumes wear the famous Venetian masks. a festival. It will take place in 2018, that is, in February this year.. This city, which is overcrowded even in normal times, I can’t even imagine how crowded this city will be during carnival, but it will be full of fun! However, in order not to be a victim of the budget, the basic items of travel such as accommodation and air tickets should be organized in advance.

2 – Xanthi Carnival (Mustafa)

The easiest for us festival. Hop on the car from İpsala, you are in Xanthi. The festival held in February in Xanti, the small city of our neighbor Greece, in Xanthi, is the costumes people wear. and it is so hot with colorful corteges that the February cold does not prevent anyone to have fun.. If you wish, you can add Kavala and Thessaloniki to your trip and make this journey more enjoyable.. Good news from me! We are in Xanthi in February this year. What will I wear?

Click for Thessaloniki Travel Guide.

3 – Rio Carnival (Asli)

Rio Carnival, one of the most famous festivals in the world, held in Rio de Janeiro in

Brazil, is full February – March while ours is cold while the Southern hemisphere is experiencing heat. .. If you are not going to participate in the samba competition, you do not need to buy a ticket, if you are going to dance madly, go to this festival, otherwise it’s a shame! You should be very planned as all your costs such as accommodation etc. will be high during the festival period.. Brazil is not very safe anyway, but there is a lot of theft during this festival period.. There are people who go and say that it is not enjoyable because they do not feel safe from things like crowds and theft.

4 – Holifest (Drop)


Strong>’s famous Holi Festival ie Festival of Colors is held every year around March to celebrate the arrival of spring, named after Hiranyakashipu, the king of demons in Indian mythology. a street festival that takes the girl from Holika. Holika represents the victory of good over evil and people shout “Holi-ha” as the festival begins. There is no such thing as a caste system during this festival, everyone participating in the festival is equal.

The paints that people throw at each other at the festival come off easily and are harmless.. The meanings of colors are red innocence, green energy, blue calmness, yellow religiousness.

5 – Coachella (Story, Ceren)

America< Coachella music and arts festival held in April in the state of California; Perfect for enjoying the music outdoors in the Coachella Valley and feeling the California spirit! Our girls, who dress in style, decorate the magazines for months in this festival, which is also invaded by celebrities.. Some brands even have collections called Coachella! If you want to have fun under the gigantic Ferris wheel while listening to extremely famous artists, the world-famous festival Coachella is the right choice for you.

6 – Amsterdam King’s day / Queen’s day (Merve, Güzide )

The city that doubled the population of Amsterdam, the capital of Netherlands, where the birthday of the King of the Netherlands is celebrated. A festival that takes place at the end of April, where everywhere you can buy is painted orange, where you can get excited with street parties and wake up by the canals. You can also visit the towns of Amsterdam while you’re there, is it bad?

Amsterdam Towns in Wonderland

7 – Glastonbury Festival (Ozge, Aslı, Merve)

A town of England for 3 days on the last weekend of June of every year Takes place in >Glastonbury. Since this festival, which is one of the largest open-air culture, art and of course music festivals in the world, has existed since the 1970s, the epicness of the festival is not open to discussion.

8 – Tomorrowland Festival (Berkay )

Perhaps the one I want the most! Every year, like the month of July, an environment that will make you feel like you are in another world in Belgium, all the legendary artists taking the stage, tickets that can never be found, the modern paradise of electronic music lovers, colorful! In fact, it is also made in different countries, but the most famous one is in Belgium.. I’m going crazy, please someone teleport me to Tomorrowland!

Click for

Brugge Travel Guide.

9 – Burning Man (Arif , Güray)

I guess it’s one of the first things that come to mind when it comes to a world-famous festival.. It is held every year in the Black Rock Desert located in the Nevada state of USA and is held in the period of August – September for 9 days. Burning Man, the “Burning Man”, takes its name from the burning of a wooden puppet on the last day of the festival.. Of course, people are competing to see how I can wear the most interesting costume.. As the temperature difference between day and night is so high because of the desert, everyone is wearing fur, but the festival is difficult in desert conditions! The only thing I’m worried about is these.. I hope this festival will cost a lot of money, one day I will be lucky too.. Thanks to my lucky angels, the cheapest way is the duchess, what can I say.

10 -Budapest Sziget Festival (Cansu)

Hungary Budapest, on the Obudai island in the Danube river, it is a fun-filled, affordable and very accessible venue, named after Sziget, which means “island” in Hungarian because the festival is held on an island. festival. If you are looking for a festival to attend for 2-3 days in Europe in August, this is your address.. And Budapest is beautiful!

Click for Budapest Travel Guide.

11 – Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Ece)

Scotland for the Fringe Festival held in Edinburgh during the period of August – September, the world’s most comprehensive it’s called art festival. Its story is based on the participation of 8 uninvited theater groups in the Edinburgh International Festival in 1947, which was started to enrich European cultural life after the Second World War.. It takes a whole month and during this time the theater is full of beautiful works by cabaret and street artists.. I really wanted to go to Scotland, and I think I found what month to plan this trip!

12 – Barcelona Merce Festival (Beyhan)

The Fiesta De La Merce, which takes place in Spain‘s favorite Barcelona, usually around September for 3 days every year, makes it different from all other festivals. The biggest thing that distinguishes it is probably the fireworks displays.. Catalonia’s famous towers of people, the streets of Barcelona covered with dance and music, are a very enthusiastic festival with models spewing fireworks from their mouths.

13 – Octoberfest (Damla, Beste, Merve , Ceren)

Do you like beer? Let all the festivals be your place Germany your place Octoberfest my friend. The original Octoberfest takes place in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on the last days of September and the first days of October every year. a festival that lasts 2 weeks. If you want to take part in the famous tents at the festival and drink that first beer, you need to take care of the reservation in advance.. This festival is also very crowded, but I want it very much.. And a great excuse to travel all over Bavaria!

14 – Mexican Day of the Dead Festival (Efe)

Actually This festival, which is held all over Latin America to commemorate the dead, is identified with my dear country Mexico because the atmosphere here surpasses them all. This colorful festival, which supposedly dates back to the Aztecs who lived in Mexico all the way back in the 14th century, is celebrated like the October – November period.. As people adorn themselves, they also decorate the graves of their deceased relatives with flowers, light them with candles, and commemorate them by eating and drinking for them at the graveside.. Now, everyone turns this memorial day into a festival, creating a carnival atmosphere, almost like Halloween, by painting their faces, but the goal is not to scare but to commemorate.

15 – Japan Naked Man Festival (Efe )

Japan at Saidaiji Kannon-in temple in Okayama’ ‘Naked Man’ (The Naked Man) festival is an extremely strange festival in January where 10,000 men fight to catch sticks thrown from the window in the freezing weather with the so-called “mawashi” wraps worn by sumo wrestlers.. What is it, the sticks are holy but if you catch them, your luck will be better.. Thank goodness there is such a simple symbol as an evil eye bead in our culture in terms of luck and fortune! Respect but I’m not sure if I want to watch it

Note: I didn’t want to put a photo :))

16 – New Orleans Mardi Gras Festival (Gamze )

Easy to say, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebrated since 1857 is one of the craziest entertainments in the world! In February, Bourbon Street of New Orleans in America turns into a flood of people and becomes a real party place. Purple, green and golden yellow beads act as a kind of money throughout the celebration.. From those who want to buy the beads, which have different meanings according to their colors, you may have the most extreme demands at the levels where your imagination can go further or you will not miss the taste of the event.. In other words, this is a bus, too, and very shameful things.

If you are inspired by this article, and if you are on the road to festivals and travel, share your experiences with me on social media! I’m definitely waiting for your comments below!

You can follow me and many more of my photos on my instagram and facebook.


Helsinki, Finland My Travel Notes

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