
Yeşil Cennet Hacilli Waterfall and Camping

A more detailed version of my article on the September route, which I was the jury of, published in Hürriyet Seyahat

The end of the summer heat and the arrival of the warm, sad September reminds me that it’s time to camp.. For a weekend getaway close to Istanbul, I am thinking of a camp alone with nature.. I’m on the way to Hacilli waterfall, which I thought to see for a long time.. Our goal is to camp.

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Instagram: Nerdesinbahar

How to Go to Hacilli Waterfall?

We reach Hacilli in 2.5 hours from Istanbul. On the way from Istanbul to Şile, when you take the next turn from the Saklıgöl sign, follow the Teke village signs.. You arrive at the Hacilli signpost in 20 minutes and the village cemetery in 8 minutes.

Village roads are much better than the main road.. The place where we will camp is when we enter from the left of the cemetery.. We’ll leave the cars up and walk down. Off-road vehicles can enter, of course.. What if we packed up and left, his team set out before us. I was able to leave at noon because of my work. Internet and phone can be taken if you are standing.. For this reason, although our communication is a little difficult, we manage to talk and meet.. They’re coming up to get us.

When I enter the campsite, I hear Manuş Baba sing “her skirt is in her waist”. It becomes a song that identifies with the camp for me.. If you have the opportunity, read this article with this song.

How did we reach Hacilli Waterfall?

As soon as the tents are set up, we throw ourselves into the stream. The weather is quite hot for September.. As a person who can’t stand water, I throw myself into the water with my clothes of course.

Hammocks built into the water. Some lie there listening to the sound of water and nature. We walk in and out of the waters along the stream towards the waterfall. We learned that there is no water left in the waterfall, but it is still not possible to see it.

We are passing through magnificent landscapes. The stream splits in two.. If you grew up in the creek from the bottom up you should go solo like us. After a while, you will also see the waterfall text.

We reach the waterfall by jumping into every lake we see in the cool waters.. It’s hard to climb to the top of the main waterfall, but we’re getting there.. It is a truly impressive natural wonder place, but those who come here for a picnic have left their trash everywhere.

Bag bags are huge garbage. Unbelievable. Why don’t people who are too lazy to bring them there take them with them?. A garbage truck cannot come there. We came by walking through the creek, but actually it was possible to reach the waterfall by car, a very short distance on foot.

Our camping area is an unmanned aerial area.. Considering that there will be a lot of people here since it is the weekend, our camping area is quite below the creek.. Normally there are a lot of people here.. Since it was evening time, there were few people when we went.

Hacıllı Waterfall Campground

We walked There’s a rock like a wall on the road. Rock climbing is also done here. It takes 4 hours to walk up the creek, swim in between and back.. That means we’ve been walking around in wet clothes for 4 hours.

How nice to see the campfire burning when we get back.. Friends’ tents set up. The middle place is reserved for the fire. It will be a camp completely in the lap of nature.. There is no facility, but they have made a kitchen in the part where the materials are put.. They hung their own posters in front of it.. Everything is beautiful.

While we are drying on the one hand in the campfire, we are preparing our dinner on the other hand.. It would be right to come and do your shopping, it is not possible to find everything in the village.. Everyone is sharing.

The darkening of the sky, our burning fire, our guitar, the songs we sing together, the Milky Way above us, newly met people, eaten meals, happy laughter is a beautiful memory now.. Our entertainment continues until the morning. Since we are far from the city, we can see the stars very clearly.

  • Click if you want to read my adventure in Sardala Bay.
  • Click if you want to read my Salda Lake adventure too

Our fire is still burning in the morning. Our remaining sausages and eggs are cooking. After breakfast, we throw ourselves into the stream again.. There is a place where natural jacuzzi. My friend has an afternoon flight even though it makes me sad to leave this place.. I have to get him back.

We pack everything up and climb back up. Maybe our early return will save us from the evening traffic of Şile. Who knows?

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