
Zipline in San Cristobal de Las Casas

One of Mexico’s most unique cities, San Cristobal de Las Casas, is one of the leading alternative activities to zipline.

As we step into the Parque El Encuentro natural park for the zipline, 7-year-old Juanita greets us, with pine leaves. According to the belief of the people of Tzotzil; Just as there are welcome mats on the door of every house, there are grasses and pine leaves at the entrance of the forest to welcome their guests.. Just like they laid them on the ground in their churches.

As we enter the forest, we take our place in stories and ancient beliefs.. Before we reach the trails, we pass through a fairly large campsite.. A campsite mostly used by locals on their holidays, a campsite without a single cigarette butt, not even a single soda cap.. I wonder how a people who have been deprived of such education can be so environmentally sensitive at the same time.. I ask Juan how it is. “The people of Tzotzil believe that if they disrespect the forest or cause any harm, they will be punished, so they collect all their garbage before they go,” he says.. They even ask permission from Juanita, the guardian of the forest, before entering the forest.. If they entered without permission, any accident could happen to them in the forest.. I didn’t get permission to enter, but I think Juanita will understand me.

Only pure beings are believed to be a part of the forest.. A tree, a flower, an insect, maybe a bird. People often fail to be a part of the forest because of their character.. When Juanita was 7 years old 200 years ago, she lived with her family at the entrance of the forest.. disappeared one day. They searched and searched but could not find. At that moment they realized that Juanita had become a part of the forest because of her purity.. From that day on, Juanita took on the guardianship of the forest.. As I slowly take my steps, I wonder if I can see Juanita. They say if you’re a good boy, so you can see the smurfs, could I see Juanita too?

We reach the first zipline line at the end of the path.. Juanita in my mind, a 50m high rope in front of me. I’m jumping with excitement. I’m even crossing the street without realizing what’s going on. We’re slowly moving towards the other line. My numbness is gone, there is a rising excitement in my body.

Juen continues to tell. One day a very rich man bought a piece of land from the forest.. He started digging the ground and cutting down trees for the mine he was going to operate.. Irrespective of the creatures that live there. While having fun with their 2 young sons in the forest, they did not bring water with them and drank from the river that runs through the forest.. A few days later, the children became ill and could not get out of their beds.. No matter how many doctors the rich man took his children to, no matter how much money he spent, no doctor understood what was wrong with the children.. Although the children looked physically healthy, they could not get out of bed.. While the man was wandering through the forest, brooding on what to do, he fell asleep on a rock.. He saw Juanita in his dream and asked her for help.. Juanita wished that the children could cure their ailments, but that she should stop mining and stop damaging the forest.. Although the man was greedy, he accepted for the sake of his children.. He closed the mine, stopped the destruction and the children regained their health.. From our vantage point, Juen shows us the location of the old mine.. Is this story true?

We arrive on the second line shortly after the story ends.. I’m so ready this time. I know what to expect and I want to enjoy the view. Even though it’s a shorter line than before, I enjoy it more.

After hearing Juanita’s story, I wonder what other stories are out there?. I want to hear and know more. Juen says this time because of the beauty of the forest, part of our souls remains in the forest and we have to shout our name and call our souls back as we leave.. Otherwise, we could have taken Juanita’s place.

After a short walk after the third line, we reach the end of the track.. I forget to call my name and call back my soul while we’re excitedly discussing how we’re feeling. Since I’m not as pure as Juanita, I can’t take your place anyway, let a piece of my soul stay in the forest…

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